ALBUM REVIEW: Bai Bang – Best of 4

I met the guys from Bai Bang in a place called the Backyard Bar in Tulsa Oklahoma in 2009 (another venue I think is sadly closed now) on my second visit to that fair State. After blowing me away on stage we had a few drinks, well maybe a few more than that. It was a great night. At that stage the band had just released their fifth album ‘Are You Ready’ and the album rated in our first ever ‘Top Ten Albums’ of the year list.

‘Are You Ready’ is also the first of the ‘4’ albums mentioned in the title from which this release is drawn. There was of course a ‘Best of’ that included selections from those first four records out in 2005 but only released domestically in Sweden.

At only 11 tracks this is also a rather lean release – taking just three tracks from ‘Are You Ready’- the fiery opener ‘ I Love the Things You Hate,‘ which ironically is the last of the twelve songs here and one of my absolute favorites; there’s also the huge chorus and gang backing vocals of  ‘Are You Ready (I’m Ready), and the gentle string-drenched ballad ‘Only the Best Die Young.’

2011’s  ‘Livin’ My Dream’ fares jut as well, adding the smooth melodic ‘sing-along’ title track along with two tracks from later in the album: the Bon Jovi-like ‘Come On’ and the Def Leppard-like ‘Rock It.’ If there was an album I’d have chosen from differently it’s this one,but you can see the thinking with those latter two tracks I suppose.

‘All Around the World’ from 2013 fares best of all though selection-wise choosing three three I would have plumped for.First there’s opener ‘Everybody Everywhere’ a track that showcases latter day Bai Bang at their best – taking 80’s Rock and adding an irresistible Melodic, almost Pop sheen. It’s a killer song and the other picks from the album ‘Gonna Make It’ with it’s nice harder-edge and ‘Raise You Hands Now’ with its melodic AOR feel,cover all bases.

Oddly 2017’s ‘Rock of Life’ gets only two selections – ‘Hey Hey You’ which was probably the albums standout and a timely reminder that Bai Bang are rocking just as hard as they ever did and ‘Stop Messin’ Around’ which is a wonderful upbeat melodic rocker.

Bai Bang might not be the first name on many people’s lips when they talk about Sweden’s great 80’s Rock revival acts but eight albums in it’s clear that you’re missing out if they’re not on your radar.

About Mark Diggins 1939 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer