ALBUM REVIEW: Blackbird Sons – Back in the Game (EP)

Independent - April 2019

Some bands you just instantly ‘get’ and when I first heard Blackbird Sons debut EP ‘Back in the Game’ at the start of the year I knew people had to hear it – featuring a track ‘Scream For Me’ on our first Heaven and Hell podcast. I don’t often go back and review old releases but with the band’s new EP ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Ain’t Dead’ out this month I thought why not run through this release from last year…

Opening with the title track this is a fine slice of a band who appreciate what a classic rock sound is made up of – a fine hook, a cool riff, great back-line and vocals that layer and enhance, oh and a killer guitar tone.

When I listen to an EP like this I just get great music, it’s not a sound that is current or has tinges of the oo’s or 90’s or 80’s it’s music that is timeless with its soul set in the 70’s and all the great rock bands we had back then. There’s a certain Southern cool without sounding like a Southern Rock band, there’s a certain ‘Bluesiness‘ without sounding like a Blues Rock band,but at the same time you can;t deny that both of those well-tapped streams run through this EP strongly.

‘Stay Away’ has more of a groove and an infectious chorus and some wonderful wailing guitar; whilst ‘Get Down’ is simply a great ‘boogie’ in the realm masters like Molly Hatchet. Then comes ‘Scream For Me’ the track we featured on the Podcast – it’s an out and out rocker that would make fans of vintage AC/DC smile, though it does add a touch of 80’s rock.

Final track ‘Lady’ finally finds the cowbell and the song comes across like a funky take on Hard Rock like Aerosmith meets vintage Faster Pussycat and A Guns with a shot of Stonesy cool. Sometimes EP’s are the most unfair things in the world. There’s 5 great tracks here ad all I want to hear is more – thankfully this month we’ll have more. Finland Rocks!

About Mark Diggins 1942 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer