San Diego Deathcore masters Carnifex return for another round of annihilation in the form of new album WORLD WAR X and by hell below, it is a triumpant return.
The overall theme of the album is not war per say but rather, a war on life and the obstacles we may face and how we take these challenges on. The title track opens with such ferocity and power you are almost taken back, in terms of style you have the trademark deathcore components but this album feels more atmospheric with the use of keyboards and a tinge of electronics to give a well rounded soundscape. A perfect example of this would be the track “Eyes Of The Executioner“…Oh and did I mention the bass lines here? Simply put they are crushing in every sense with the aforementioned track where I am taken back to the 2010 album “Hell Chose Me” along with the track “Brushed By The Wings of a Demon”.
Scott Lewis’s vocal range and performance get better with every release with surgical presicion and a very honed craft hellish low make for what I would say is his best body of work to date. The track “All Roads Lead To Hell” features a guest appearance by American guitar prodigy Angel Vivaldi, it’s a particular favorite on here with plenty of breakdowns. I can almost picture the crowd chanting along to the chorus of this one.
Ooverall this is a fantastic release with established fans finding similarities with older material and newer fans finding a gateway into this band. The true test will come on the live front and how these tracks will translate but it’s definitely on high rotation here and I’m sure this will be the case for many people across the globe. In closing this album should come with a warning label – “not for the faint hearted“. CRANK IT UP!
World War X
Visions Of The End
This Infernal Darkness
Eyes Of The Executioner
No Light Shall Save Us (feat. Alissa White-Gluz)
All Roads Lead To Hell (feat. Angel Vivaldi)
Brushed By The Wings Of Demons
Hail Hellfire
By Shadows Thine Held