Mark Morton’s work with Lamb Of God is well known among the band’s legion of fans but what some may not know is that his musical tastes extends far beyond the brutality of groove metal. Evidence in that can somewhat be found in his more bluesy leanings where his guitar style is distinctive from fellow LOG guitarist Willie Adler and for those that allways wanted to hear more of that, this solo debut from Mark should be right up your alley.
First thing that should be noted is that “Anesthetic” is not a full blown metal record. While there will be metal leanings here and there and more prominent in tracks like “The Never” and the lead single “Truth Is Dead“, this album is really a diverse musical palette that features bluesy notes, grungy rock, alternative pickings and a healthy mix of your standard rock and metal sounds.What’s really interesting about this record though is the vast guest appearances that make up this collaborative effort. This may be a Mark Morton solo album but it’s the star studded appearances on each song that help make this a stand out.
The first track opening things up “Cross Off” has gained attention already with feature vocalist Chester Bennington lending his voice to one of the very last recordings he took part in before tragedy struck. You may listen to the song differently had that not happened but regardless and despite I not being a particular big Linkin Park fan, there’s no denying this is a great way to open the album up with it’s melody matched with some serious riffing from Mark himself. Chester fans will certainly rejoice in hearing his voice one more time and remind them what a talent he really was.
Following the alternative metal/rock lead, “Sworn Apart” gives us Jacoby Shaddix of Papa Roach fame as this melodic alt rocker soars through with strong anthemic chorus lines once again. These two are fine openers for what they are but the guts of this album is yet to come. “Axis” is the first of many highlights that really capture the essence of what this album is kind of all about. Starring one Mark Lanegan on vocals and a who’s who as the backing band which includes Mike Inez from Alice In Chains and Steve Gorman from The Black Crowes among others, this bluesy number oozes swagger like no other on this album and while it may not hit you in the face like a typical Lamb Of God song, this is still pure musical heaven that results in a real gem on this record.
As mentioned previously “The Never” brings the heavier aspects of this album to life as Chuck Billy from Testament brings his signature growls to the table. The album closer “Truth Is Dead” may match it for heaviness but this one remains consistently heavier due to Arch Enemy’s Alissa White-Gluz’s more melodic side coming through on the latter.
Going back to the guts of the album midway through, Alter Bridge and Slash compatriot Myles Kennedy lends his powerful melodic vocals to “Save Defiance“, unsurprisngly in a solid melodic rock song. No matter where you hear Myles, his distinctive voice is as consistently strong no matter where it’s delivered and here it’s tantalisingly good as always.
Back to back are two more rock oriented songs in the form of “Blur” and “Back From The Dead“. Once again that bluesy sound comes through on “Blur” which also features The Black Crowes’ Mark Morales in this grungy sort of 90’s-eque track which results in another highlight of the album. Buckcherry’s Josh Todd gets thrown into the mix in “Back From The Dead” right after in a sleazy, fun lovin’ rocker and here you start to get the sense that the metal aspects of this album is but one of many elements that make up the DNA of these collection of songs.
Straying even further away from that thought is “Reveal“, a contemporary r&b tune with a hint of blues and a melodic voice coming from Naeemah Maddox to really bring some creative diversity to the album. It’s a chilled and relaxed affair and certainly breaks up the rock n’ roll aspects of this release before rounding out with melodic rocker “Imaginary Days” and the previously mentioned “Truth Is Dead“.
Make no mistake, despite it’s less than metal style overall, “Anesthetic” is still a great album so once you get that Lamb Of God sound out of your head when you see Mark Morton’s name, then there is no reason to not enjoy this album. For those looking for some new music with a bit of variety involved, this one is for you.
Cross Off (feat. Chester Bennington)
Sworn Apart (feat. Jacoby Shaddix)
Axis (feat. Mark Lanegan)
The Never (feat. Chuck Billy + Jake Oni)
Save Defiance (feat. Myles Kennedy)
Blur (feat. Mark Morales)
Back From The Dead (feat. Josh Todd)
Reveal (feat. Naeemah Maddox)
Imaginary Days
Truth Is Dead (feat. Randy Blythe + Alissa White-Gluz)