ALBUM REVIEW: Mike Machine – Alive

AOR Heaven - April 26th 2019

Opening track ‘Fight to Survive’ is one of those songs that feels like you’ve known it forever, and it serves as a great introduction to Mike Machine who were formed in November 2017 in Piteå, Sweden by front man and songwriter Michael Löfqvist from the ashes of Power Metal band Cryonic.

Mike Machine has a more 80’s Hard Rock sound, one that the denizens of Sweden are so adept at capturing; and the title track that follows is a little more laid back a nice piece of 80’s sounding rock that continues to ‘float the boat’.

There’s a change of pace with ‘Paradise’ – the radio-friendly mid-tempo rocker that has you thinking about bands that mixed the pop and rock effectively like Danger Danger and co. It’s a great song, and a further change of pace follows with ‘It’s My Life’ a song that starts with an acoustic guitar and builds. It’s certainly a serviceable ballad with a epic feel that goes for grandeur rather than a huge hook.

Deeper in ‘In Your Dream’ continues to command the attention with some lush gang vocals and Sunset Strip Hair Metal musical posturings. Sure it’s derivative, sure its anachronistic, but it’s good and it’s fun. ‘Fireball’ keeps that Sunset Strip template and ups the Metallic content and sports some nice guitars, whilst ‘On And On’ takes the pace off and has moments that make me think of great under-rated bands like ‘Icon’: it’s probably my pick of the bunch at the moment.

The album is rounded out by three of the best: ‘Living On The Road’ (my other contender for best track here) that injects a nice bit of pace, like the sort of things bands like Crazy Lixx are doing so well at the minute; then there’s the rather broody and atmospheric ‘Evil Mind’ that almost melds Power Metal with Hair Metal – ‘Power Hair Metal’ anyone? The album closes with ‘No More’ another of the best a real hard-nosed rocker that hits the spot just right.

This is a great listen, initially it might seem a little rough around the edges, which I personally like, but after repeated listens you’ll be wanting more.



About Mark Diggins 1955 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer