Peter H Nilsson started working on this album back in 2017 along with singer Chris Biano, drummer Jason Meekins and bassist Patrik Adiels, and what a team that is. ‘Little American Dream’ is nine tracks of melodic/AOR magic.
Opener ‘You Better Run’ is almost unnervingly steady paced, it’s a slow melodic rocker that at first you feel should be just a little faster, but conversely its that lack on urgency that makes it such a truly compelling listen. Great vocals, sumptuous guitar, its track that is a worthy introduction to Gothenburg guitarist/songwriter Peter H Nilsson.
‘Me and You’ that follows is pure AOR heaven and has an even lighter touch and tighter composition with an even bigger chorus. It’s my AOR song of the year so far and one of the best exponents of the genre I’ve heard in years.
That of course leaves a lot of work to do to keep up the standards and ‘Am I Dreaming’ that follows takes up the challenge – Nilsson delivers a seamless mid-paced rocker with a gentle West Coast subtlety and bags of class, that whilst it may not connect as instantly as the openers, grows upon you more and more with each listen.
‘Timeless’ is silky smooth and underpinned by understated guitars and is equally well-constructed; and the half-way mark sees the title track ‘Little American Dream’ which adds a little funky guitar and keys – it’s another mighty fine song and one you find yourself singing along to!
Kicking off the second half of the album ‘Haunted’ is up there with the best here, confident, assured and with a wonderful melody and chorus, its a song that just grows and builds and with each play it just gets better. ‘Love is Worth Fighting For’ that follows is ‘blue sky’ AOR – a song that makes you think of blue summer skies. Rounding out the album ‘Rumours’ adds a little grit and rocks just a little harder than most of the tracks here and it works wonderfully well, and that chorus is just so sharp you’ll have to hear it! It’s definitely one of the best tracks here! The record closes with ‘Magic’ another rocker and another glorious melodic masterpiece.
Honestly if you love your AOR I can’t say enough good things about this album! ‘Me and You’; ‘Rumours’ and ‘Magic’ will be on my AOR playlist for years to come! Thanks Peter!
It’s great to hear from Peter that it’s not just us that appreciate great music – AOR Heaven will release the album worldwide on 22 March 2019.
4.5/5 For lovers of Melodic AOR