Coming from the Mid-Atlantic area in the US, hard rock quartet Silvertung have been churning away at their craft and delivering slabs of hard and heavy rock for a number of years now. Their latest effort “But, At What Cost??!” continues their hard working ethos and providing further evidence that the band are willing to take on the world with their brand of music.
This 7 track album is a short slice of riff driven arena rock which only serves to leave you wanting more. Each song seamlessly continues into each other as it relentlessly showcases the bands core sound and it starts off with a bang in “Dodging Bullets“, a dynamically driven and heavy alt rocker. It’s this opener that really sets the tone for the rest of the songs as you start to get a picture of who these guys are.
“Feel Inhuman” steps it up another notch, opening with a tasty fuzzy riff that eventually leads to explosive catchy chorus lines that hit you fairly hard. “World Gone Mad” follows suit with chugging riffs and a masive breakdown in the back end which is sure to go down a treat at a live show. The almost symphonic sound found here also shows another dimension to the band who feel the need to deliver more than just stock standard rock.
“Wise Up” is another modern rocker that hooks you in from start to finish and “Black Sunset” may have the best opening riff as it chuggs it’s way into a wavey sort of anthemic track.
Rounding out the album are two solid numbers in “You’re Fine” and “Done My Best“, fittingly ending it almost as soon as it starts. It’s a short cracker of an album that decidedly does it’s business and leaves you salivating for more rock tunes to wrap your ears around. Silvertung are on the right path to becoming one of those juggernaut rock acts with this release.
Dodging Bullets
Feel Inhuman
World Gone Mad
Wise Up
Black Sunset
You’re Fine
Done My Best