With successful an already EP ‘Viral’ and full length ‘Insurrection’ behind them, Spreading The Disease (STD) are back with a new 5 Track EP ‘Mindcell’.
It’s Modern Metal, aggressive, growly and dirty as hell nut not without some cool offset melodies. So if you like sky high Metal that takes on the classic bands like Pantera, Slipknot, Slayer, Machine Head and at times newer fare like Five Finger Death Punch, then this might be for you.
Standout track and single ‘Voices’ might be the pace to start, though there’s five sure fire winners here that are as aggressive as you like, spat out by vocalist Connor Russell Snyder and ably backed by a maelstrom of a band who are tight as hell. Killer riffs and a freight train groove for a new generation but with chops enough to get the old school swaying.