ALBUM REVIEW: The Defiants – Zokusho

Frontiers Records - September 19th 2019

If you crave the days when Rock was fun and a good time was had by all then this is your soundtrack.

‘Zokusho’ is a Japanese word meaning ‘sequel’ or ‘the next chapter’, and therefore fittingly is the title of The Defiants second release, due to hit the streets in September. The Defiants of course are the band put together by Paul Laine, Bruno Ravel, and Rob Marcello, band-mates in ’80s-’00s hard rockers ‘Danger Danger’. 

Its been four years since that wonderful debut which received rave reviews globally, capturing as it did that classic D2 sound.  This time round though it’s even bigger with D2 drummer Steve West appearing as a special guest on drums.

So what do you get? – well first let’s set the record straight and say it’s essentially more of the same – but this time round maybe even bigger and better – with bigger choruses, bigger hooks and even mightier guitars and vocals. 

‘Love is the Killer’ that opens things second time around you could argue is an even bigger song than ‘Love and Bullets’ was on the first record. It’s the sort of composition that underlines the  magic these guys have captured. If you crave the days when Rock was fun and a good time was had by all then this is your soundtrack.

‘Standing on the Edge’ bursts into life and keeps the party going with plenty of guitar and vocal swagger before ‘Hollywood In Headlights’ puts you completely at ease that this is going to be a killer album. The sweep to the chorus is wonderful as Laine sings of the one who got away.

‘Fallin’ For You’ then sweeps you completely off your feet with a trademark D2 riff then whilst you’re still savoring that one, ‘Hold On Tonite’ takes it down a notch and delivers the sugary sweet demi-ballad you’ve been waiting for.

Upping the ante again ‘Allnighter’ brings the party tune; then its all delicate guitars to open the mid-tempo ‘U X’d My Heart’ (You Crossed my Heart) a song that sees Laine at his sublime best, accented by some wonderful backing melodies.

And believe me the final run is just as cool as the opening shots: first the key-heavy ‘It Goes Fast’ picks you up in its gentle arms before ‘Stay’ drives you through the hot night air; and ‘Alive’ (which is not of course that Pearl Jam cover you weren’t expecting) brings one of the albums most compelling moments, lifting you up with an almost U2-like guitar sound and poppy feel. It’s a modern sound and a gamble that works so well here. Sonically it’s light years better anything that latter day Bon Jovi are putting out these days.

Last call of the night goes to ‘Drink Up!’ an old school good time rocker that is simply made to be played live and loud. These guys have nailed it!


Tracklist:  Love Is The Killer |  Standing On The Edge |  Hollywood In Headlights |  Fallin’ For You |  Hold On Tonite |  Allnighter |  U X’d My Heart |  It Goes Fast |  Stay | Alive | Drink Up!

Line-up: Bruno Ravel: Bass | Paul Laine: Vocals, Guitar | Rob Marcello: Guitar | Steve West: Drums

About Mark Diggins 1955 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer