Dregg drop new video for single ‘Hyperbole’



DREGG are back! The band who are NEVER backward in coming forward with putting society’s issues right in front of your nose and making you smell the hypocrisy – are today returning with their new single ‘Hyperbole‘! The track will be available on Friday April 26 for purchase and streaming, with all details at https://www.dreggmusic.org.

If you aren’t familiar with DREGG – and you SHOULD be – DREGG are an anomalistic, thought provoking hardcore band hailing from Melbourne, Australia. The band is well known for their tongue-in-cheek take on the current state of the world whether it be politically, socially or spiritually. Charging stages dressed in war paint, masks and all sorts of outrageous outfits, the unstoppable force that is DREGG is here to stay until they have made the mark they intend on leaving on the world of music.

Christopher Mackertich, vocalist for the out-there-but-on-point outfit, wants the world to know about the song and that it’s their statement about who they are as a band. “The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘HYPERBOLE’ as ‘Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally’. DREGG as a band, as a collective and as people… are exactly that.”

Continuing, Mackertich says that the concept behind the song’s lyrics is to “…inspire the nihilists, ease the worries of the pessimists and paint a picture of a perfect existence for the weirdos that don’t fit in. You’re going to die one day, that’s for certain. Is there any meaning to all of this? Probably not. So don’t waste time dwelling on the inevitable and pursue what is meaningful for you here, right now, in the moment. Even if it means pushing your imagination to it’s limits!”

The new single was Recorded, Mixed and Produced by Sam Yates, the video was Filmed and Edited by Josh Hanson and the Cover Art by Aidan Bedford.

Friday 26th April will see the release of DREGG’s new single ‘Hyperbole’ on all good streaming platforms and digital outlets – all details and links will be at https://www.dreggmusic.org.




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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.