If you want to hear an album by a young band that is brimming with promise and only seem inches away from hitting the nail on the head this is it. Like many new bands of course there is that initial flight between finding your own voice,making music that people can relate to and showing off your lineage.
On opening track ‘Emergence’ there is both a feeling of greatness and also a feeling that two songs have been combined into one – it’s a very cool song and whilst it ticks the expected Metalcore boxes there’s something much more bubbling under the surface. It’s the type of song that doesn’t quite mesh but what it does is convince you to listen on and that of course can’t be a bad thing.
You are immediately reassured that you were right by ‘The Architect’ which handles itself far more magnificently handling the light and darkness of the song beautifully. It’s a great song as is ‘Circuits’ which follows with a more commercial feel and a searing solo, throwing a bit of diversity into the melting pot.
Four tracks in we’re hitting the groove with the colossal ‘There Was A Light’ which has the sort of melodies you dream of going on amidst the dark Metal thrust that shows yet another side to the band.
Closer ‘Beings’ show just what these guys could become, thoroughly modern and assured sounding I really do feel that this is the way forward. And just a quick word to tip a hat at te production – it’s wonderful throughout,nice and crisp and hitting a beautiful balance.
A great new talent – a, dare I say it, contender for my release of the year? Can’t wait fora full-length.