INTERVIEW: James Ward-Armstrong – Tempest Rising

Tempest Rising


A unique and powerful live band, Western Australia’s Tempest Rising hit the road as often as they can. Since 2012 they have toured anywhere and everywhere – from gleaming capital cities to dusty outback towns – forging themselves as one of the most distinctive and engaging metal bands in the country. Kicking off 2019 with a bang, they have emerged from the studio with a ferocious new album, backed up by their first European tour. Following on from 2014’s Transmutation, Alter Ego finds Tempest Rising heavier, groovier and more musically ambitious than ever.

We grabbed a few words from guitarist James Ward-Armstrong ahead of the album launch show at Hornography’s first birthday event this Saturday to find out a bit more on the new songs, their first tour to Europe and much more.


Tell us about the process of writing and recording the new songs on Alter Ego.

The Process was a long one,  Partly because we can’t sit still and like travelling which like many things costs money. Album took approximately 3 years from Pre-production through to the Final product. We recorded  three quarters of it at Underground Studios, with Simon Mitchell (Chaos Divine) engineering it and putting his 2 cents in as a 6th Pair of ears. Vocals and some guitar overdubs were done at Simons  Home studios, with Oliver Royer (Ex Deadspace) helping out with some string arrangements. Simon mixed the album, Paul from PLX mastering mastered the album, Troy from Vile Treats did the artwork with Franco illustrations and Shelby From Hyperviolent Designs helped out immensely with some file and template tweaks.

What were some of the things you wanted to achieve with the release?

Just getting it out was a big achievement in itself. But we wanted to show how much we have matured as a band since Transmutation. We have been pretty fortunate to have some local support slots with some big international bands, so we are hoping this release keeps us on the radar for future tours that come through Oz.

Do you enjoy the process of creating? Are you someone who continually writes or does the best come out under a little gentle pressure?

I enjoy the writing process, we never feel any pressure. Songs come naturally the best when there is no pressure, we tend to not get stuck on something too long, there is no bad idea, we just stock pile riffs and ideas for later date, whether its  days weeks months years down the track. We are always recording ideas, can never have enough.

What does it feel like as an artist waiting for the songs you’ve lived with for some time to get released to the fans? Is there a sense of excitement or a little panic in there too?

Always a sense of excitement. Won’t lie, there is a slight bit of uneasiness as well, how are people going to react, are the songs good enough etc. You second guess yourself especially in our case as we had been listening to heaps of versions of each song . But all worth it in the end when you get the numerous messages from friends/fans/family across the world giving you the tick of approval.

How does it compare to previous releases?

It’s a more matured release, Transmutation reflected the band at that point in time, still young, still finding our feet and sound. We got labeled “Metalcore” quite a bit, much to our disgust (more so don’t like the baggage that comes with label). Alter Ego, I guess sounds like Tempest Rising, it’s what we are as a band, a strange concoction of mixed genres.  We have more written songs to a certain genre instead of trying to cram all the styles into one.

What were the lyrical themes of the songs?

Vin is pretty tight lip on his lyrical concepts but he draws a lot of it from his personal life, and experiences. The title Alter Ego is how we put a face/mask on for different people . We play many roles in our life time,  Alter Ego is about finding the real person within the plethora of masks we wear.

What were the main inspirations for the new songs?

Write something better than the last haha! Different inspirations for each song, but I guess to make it as catchy/groovy/fast/melodic, all our criteria we like to hear in our own music.

Any favorite moments or songs on the release?

My Favorites are “Fuck the Scene” and “Escape the Sky”, quick one and a semi ballad.

Did you imagine how these songs would play out in a live situation?

Not really that’s more of an afterthought if anything, we never really wrote the songs to be like this part would be good live etc etc. Of course naturally those things eventuate, as we draw inspirations from bands that play those big crowds, it just naturally falls in to some songs. Whether it be a super heavy breakdown or a epic chorus chant.

What can people expect at the album launch show at Hornography?

A high energy ball busting sweat and boozed covered show! We always give it our best and when the crowd is going nuts we always step it up. We have a killer lineup that will be bringing their A game, so it’s going be a epic show.

With a new album now added, how do you pick out a setlist and is that a difficult process?

Funnily enough we have been playing songs off the album live for some time now, so we know what works together and what doesn’t.  But will definitely change now the songs are out and fans will have favorites.

What is your favorite song to play live?

“Singularity”, short powerful and easy to play so I can just go nuts!!


Tempest Rising - Alter Ego

Read review of Alter Ego here


The band recently did a first tour in Europe, how did it go? How did you find the crowds?

It was an amazing 6 weeks. We didn’t know what to expect, we were headlining most of the shows and don’t have a big following in Europe so it was a gamble. We were fortunate to jump on a couple of decent shows which allowed us to play to some decent size crowds, and we were lucky in some countries to get a lineup that sounded a bit like us so the fans enjoyed us that much more.

The whole tour for me was a highlight.  Places that stood out were Eastern Europe, in particular Russia and Ukraine.

Any favorite places to play live?

Anywhere there is a stage and a crowd, I’m pretty easy to please :). But I would go back to Europe in a heartbeat and do it all over again.

Any stand out shows or personal highlights from any previous tour or show?

Still to this day (so far anyway), opening up for Sevendust is the highlight. I think that sticks with me because we played super well, everything just worked, we were running on adrenaline. Being given the opportunity, we did not want to under perform, and from the response we got was awesome.

How did Tempest Rising form and get started?

Officially as a 5 piece August 2012 (Today was actually the date of our very first gig 18/08/2012), but for me starting looking for muso’s etc was a good year before that. The original line up being myself Trent, Vin, Jarrad and Ferdie, Trent had randomly added me on FB cos I had a guitar in my profile pic, (He lived around the corner from me so we had some mutual friends even though he was a few years older then me) . Didn’t really chat ’till we organized a jam and took it from there. Found Vin through an online ad, he had played in a few small rock bands but once I heard his voice, fell in love. Ferdie I think was the same way, I think I have a video of his first jam with me and Trent many moons ago. Ferdie brought Jarrad along and yeah, Vin and Jarrad have stuck around with me ever since.

What have been your greatest challenges to date, and your favourite moments musically?

Getting this bloody album out and getting a bunch of misfits somehow around Europe for 6 weeks alive. But travelling and playing music has been awesome,  it makes all the late nights/self-doubt hardships, MONEY, all worth it in the end. Playing in a band and live on stage is definitely a drug.

From what you’ve learned so far what is the most valuable advice you’ve been given so far as a musician?

Best advice I have been given was from Sam Haycroft from one of Australia’s most underrated bands Sydonia (RiP) – “Go hard but go smart“.  Everything we do we try to plan way in advance when possible, and map out where/what we want to do for the next 6-12 months and we push for it.

Who are some of your main influences? 

Lamb of God main influence, not so much of the music side but more so the hard work. They had been a band for years before they got BIG, I admire the hard work and dedication they put in and I try to put that into our band.

Who or what inspired you to be in a band and play music?

Motorhead and Lemmy,  and wanted to play like Lemmy, a rhythm bass guitar. I even remember knocking back a free electric guitar because it wasn’t a bass guitar, I finally saw the light though haha.

How do you feel about the current music scene right now?

Internationally is strong,  locally it’s steady but in a much better space then it was a few years ago. You can thank Hornography for playing a part in that.

Do you believe music can still change the world?

The world is too far gone now, but if anything it’s music that should unite it.

If you could be a fly on the wall for the recording of any album in history, what album would it be?

ACDC – Highway to Hell, the first record they worked with Robert Mutt Lange.  He was a genius to make an already well established band take the next step in to Rock Hall of fame status.

What is the meaning of life?




Alter Ego out now on digital and physical formats –

Tempest Rising upcoming live shows:

Hornography 1st Birthday Party
August 24th – The Boston, Perth | event page

And Metallica For All
August 31st – Capitol, Perth | event page

More info:



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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.