Trepaneringsritualen was initiated in Götheborg, Göta Länder on August 23rd 2008. Since then artefacts have been issued through a number of labels including Tesco, Cold Spring, Pesanta Urfolk, and Malignant. Trepaneringsritualen have performed countless live rituals across the world, including festivals such as Heavy Electronics III, Stella Natura, Wave Gothic Treffen, and opening slots for a broad spectrum of artists including Old Man Gloom, Circle, Youth Code, Batushka, Author & Punisher, Australia’s own Kollaps and many more.
Trepaneringsritualen will be performing live on Australian shores for the first time in July as main headliner for both UMACFEST lineups, plus 2 special performances in Perth and Melbourne. Ahead of the tour we dwelve into the world of Trepaneringsritualen to find out more on their art, the rituals and the meaning of life.
How did Trepaneringsritualen form and get started?
The T × R × P working was initiated in Göteborg, Göta Länder on the 23rd of August. 2008 e.v. by ᚦᛟᚦ ᚷᛁᚷ. On its 10th anniversary last year, the line-up was expanded with ᚾᛟᚺ ⩝⚭⩝ and ᛏᛇᚱᚫ ᚾ ∴ ᚾ ∴ ᚾ
What can people expect on the Australian tour?
The T × R × P live experience is an overload of sensations; audial, visual, and olfactory. Our aim is to annihilate all sense of reason, to allow the spectator to fall listless into the yawning void.
How has the experience of playing live been like for the band so far?
The public rituals is an essential part of the T × R × P working. They serves as invitations to take part in our journey, or as starting points for the individual paths of those in attendance. When circumstances are ideal, the live rituals are true reveries, overwhelming and unfathomable.
Any favorite places to play live?
Any place can be turned into a temple, provided those in attendance submit to the forces at play. That being said, any place that has its own powers and energies will always be preferred over a dead space. The times we’ve performed in deep forests have all proven to be especially magickal. We always relish the opportunity to perform in sacred places, be it churches, temples or grave fields. Places where the energies of the cosmos are focused.
Who or what inspired you to be in a band and play music?
The T × R × P working is a curse, a heavy yoke to bear but one we bear willingly. We are far beyond mere music. You may take T × R × P as entertainment if you wish, but for us this something of far greater importance. A spiritual journey into unknown wildernesses. The true nature of T × R × P is yet to be revealed even to us, and perhaps full understanding of its purpose may never come, but we nevertheless wander on.
Do you believe music can still change the world?
Art in any form — be it music, painting, writing, or whatever — is a manifestation of Will, and as such may be seen as an act of conjuring. We firmly believe that such acts can and will affect not only the created worlds, but ultimately our true existence in the boundless black of uncreation.
What is the meaning of life?
To seek gnosis; to find Union & Dissolution. Creation cries in agony, and once one realizes this, the wants and needs and desires of your physical being becomes meaningless. “Life” in the traditional sense of the word is a mere waking dream. It is that which lies beyond that is truly life. A senseless and boundless state of unbeing.
Friday 12th July – The Den, Perth
w/ Pestis Cultus, Population Control, HEXX
Saturday 13th July – UMACFEST @ Crowbar, Sydney
w/ Hope Drone, Sundr, Empress + more
Sunday 14th July – UMACFEST @ The Tote, Melbourne
w/ Lo!, Sundr, Empress + more
Tuesday 16th July – The Old Bar, Melbourne
w/ Whitehorse, Lai