You can always count on finding Saving Abel performing somewhere. The seemingly always touring band recently made a stop at the famous New Jersey roadhouse in Stanhope and were joined by local bands such as Triple Addiction, Blud Red Roses, Corevalay and New Day Dawn.
From all of the support bands though, the one that really stood out was Triple Addiction. Consisting of three brothers Chris (guitar), Brandon (bass) and Jon Loree (drums), joined by Dominic Zamora on guitar, these guys while relatively young, are very talented. From the get go their sound was flawless and attitude professional. Granted there was a little lacking in showmanship, but that will come naturally with the time. Still, they got crowd going with their sound that can be described as a mixture of classic and southern rock with a pinch of country.
Currently they are working on their first full length album, which promises to be a good one. If this is the first time you heard about them, rest assured you will hear of them soon again. They are that good.
Main course for the evening, southern rockers Saving Abel from the state of Mississippi came to the show like it was their own home. The band’s vocalist Scott Austin kept finding familiar faces in the crowd, dishing out fist bumps and interacting with the crowd by borrowing their cell phones for some selfie videos on stage (lucky people got their phones handed back to them with invaluable video material).
Beer kept flowing off the stage and on the stage as Southern rock took over Northern New Jersey. They did not play too big of the set but long enough to make it to midnight. All the favorites got the crowds attention including The Sex is Good, Mississipi Moonshine and 18 days – all well received and sang along by the fans. The band had their mojo for the night, with everyone accounted for on the stage – Blake Dixon on the drums, Scott Wilson on the bass, Scott Bartlett and Jason Null on guitars. Their set was promptly wrapped up by two of their heavyweight hits Drowning (Face Down) and Addicted.
Overall the bands performance was everything this crowd desired for a night – rowdy, in your face southern rock with nothing held back. During their set Scott Austin told the crowd about their upcoming album to be completed by the spring of this year. Certainly all of us are anxious to hear what Saving Abel has in store for us. But for now, they just keep on touring.
Photos by Andris Jansons