Widely considered an institution in the Australian heavy rock scene, particularly in the underground, The Mark Of Cain were in some ways ahead of their time when they first appeared back in the 80’s, making a mark with their debut album “Battlesick” in 1989. That was 30 years ago and still to this day that album has a certain resonance that holds up really well. The band celebrate the anniversary with a tour around Australia performing the album in it’s entirety plus a few notable classics, we caught the show in Perth on Thursday night.
Ever since making an impact on my musical journey with the brilliant “Familiar Territory” almost 20 years ago, The Mark Of Cain have stayed with me ever since. Their brand of heavy, outside-the-box- rock is just the type of music that hits you hard and makes you think in terms of musical dexterity, their signature stop-start motions together with a powerful sound driven by a bass-drum focal point just ticks all those boxes. And of course those wonderful riffs.
Here in Perth after a little wait since their last appearance this side of the country, fans gathered together to witness “Battlesick” in it’s full glory, an album that may have snuck under the radar for many but hearing it live is a whole other beast and really makes you appreciate how great those songs actually are. Before that though, opening the show were 3 piece experimental rock act The Messthetics, most notable for featuring a couple of ex-Fugazi members. An interesting choice for opening for The Mark Of Cain but at the same time, because of that progressive nature of some of the music, also makes sense. Landscapes, sensory loading elongated trippy passages and a jazz-fusion, experimental rock sound that is light in parts but deeply provoking in others. The casualness of it all was what was impressive as the band showcased what can be perceived as difficult listening in a good way, providing avenues of music that you simply don’t see in the mainstream. The crowd enjoyed it and that’s what counts.
Adelaide’s home town heroes in The Mark Of Cain followed not long after and it seemed like a long time coming, at least for those who had yet to witness the powerhouse act live before. “Battlesick” was on the agenda first and as on the record “Wake Up” was launched immediately after a brief introduction to the night’s proceedings. As solid as the album is, it simply doesn’t capture the band’s sound live and here we saw it up front and in your face, heavy, bombastic and groovy. This was what the band is all about.
“Call In Anger” was a real treat to see and again just a testament to how good they sound live. Some bands just have it and never quite able to replicate it on tape and while they did get better at it as the years and albums went on, this track sounded as fresh as it must have been 30 years ago. The Joy Division influence can also be heard, maybe in more subtle ways but it’s there for sure on tracks like the title track “Battlesick” where the looseness of it in a certain swaggery way entices you for more nostalgic sounds.
Of course the second half of the show after completing the album in full is where things pick up even more so and it showed in the crowd reactions, some who were clearly gunning for some of those later classics. The Mark Of Cain are a rarity where their later material is considered some of their strongest work, a feat most veteran bands would kill for. Of course some of the “later” material are now bordering on 20 years or more, tracks like “Interloper” and “First Time” and the super catchy “Familiar Territory” are now considered classics by many but they just sound so relevant and fresh live that it’s hard to believe these songs are now part of a deep back catalogue.
Easily one of the best shows of the year, The Mark Of Cain have not lost any of their edge and the only complaint is that we don’t get to see them enough.
Photos by The Buffman
Remaining Dates
Friday 25th October 2019 – The Gov, Adelaide SA
Saturday 26th October 2019 – Corner Hotel, Melbourne VIC + Civic
Wednesday 30th October – The Gov, Adelaide SA
Tickets on sale now via feelpresents.com