Brisbane modern metal outfit Meliorist are today releasing their brand new charismatic track ‘Wanderer‘ – it sees its way into the world ahead of their their debut album ‘Patterns‘, out Friday May 10, which can be pre-ordered now at https://ffm.to/meliorist_patterns.
‘Wanderer’ comes along with video that takes the band into a different dimension, playing the complex, technical, but passionate and heavy track amongst geometric shapes and ethereal colours. It can be purchased or streamed now at https://ffm.to/meliorist_wanderer.
In late 2018, Meliorist flew to the US to record the new album ‘Patterns’ with Nick Sampson (Asking Alexandria, Born of Osiris, We Came As Romans, Of Mice and Men, Polyphia and more). Armed with their new vocalist Andrew Corfield, they had a renewed vigour and motivation to produce a record that will forge their new sound – and what they produced has resulted in a fierce and undeniably strong new record.
Vocalist Corfield spoke about the meaning of the new track – “The song is about experiencing all that life has to offer and seeing the beauty of a life fully lived regardless of its imperfections. Ultimately realising that these imperfections are what make it so beautiful.”
First single from this new album has enjoyed a playlist add to Spotify Australia’s Homegrown and Heavy playlist, spins on triple j’s Short Fast Loud and a rotation add on The Faction Radio. The band recently launched the single ‘Symptoms’ on a packed Sunday evening at Brisbane’s Crowbar.
Meliorist’s debut album ‘Patterns’ will be released Friday May 10th on iTunes/Spotify/Bandcamp (with pre-orders live now at https://ffm.to/meliorist_patterns! Brand new single ‘Wanderer’ is live for streaming and purchase at all good online outlets and streaming platforms at https://ffm.to/meliorist_wanderer.