OFF THE RECORD: Brennan Mileto – Sisters Doll


As part of our new ‘Off the Record’ feature, after our May 2019 interview with Sisters Doll’s Brennan Mileto all about the new single ‘Black Mirror’ we took time out to dig deeper and throw a few curve balls. Read on to find out more about the voice behind the band…

If you could trade places with any other band or artist, past or present, who would it be?

At the moment we would say Queen they are amazing and so big and relevant right now.

Is there a band you would love to tour with that you haven’t already?

We would love to tour with bands like KISS, Queen & Aerosmith before they call it a day but if that doesn’t happen we would also love to tour with The Struts try and steal some fans haha. And I think if us and the Struts went on tour together it would be the ultimate live show party extravaganza.

Can you tell us about your craziest or most memorable fan encounter?

The best fan encounter I had was actually recently at our Black Mirror Launch in Melbourne. a young man came up to me and he was in a wheelchair and he said that our music is the one thing that keeps him going and that our music is his saviour. When I heard that I almost teared up it was a beautiful moment and something I will never forget. I’m a humble guy and when you hear stories like that it makes you lift and want to work harder so your music can touch more lives like it has this amazing Doll Army member.

If you could be credited with any song ever written, what song would you want your name attached to?

Billie Jean by Michael Jackson then I wouldn’t have to work anymore.

Name a guilty musical pleasure?

I’m loving Dua Lipa at the moment and not only because she is hot haha her music is actually great. I’ve always loved Gaga too because she is the real deal and an amazing artist.

If you could be a fly on the wall for the recording of any album in history, what album would it be?

I would have loved to been in the room when KISS recorded Destroyer. Peter Criss told us some very cool amazing stories of that whole process and how hard they all worked on that record. Some of the techniques Bob Ezrin used to get the outcome was amazing what Peter had told us. So to be there in the room would have been magical. One story Peter told us was for God of Thunder they actually set up the drums in an abandoned room across the road in an elevator shaft and ran the cables along the road to get those big drum sounds


About Mark Diggins 1955 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer