Taking place at Perth’s newest and most exciting live music venue, Freo.Social, the WAM Song of the
Year, presented by Act-Belong-Commit has been taken out by Carla Geneve as the Overall Grand
Prize winner for her song Greg’s Discount Chemist.
Albany born singer-songwriter Carla Geneve burst onto the Perth music scene just a few years ago and
quickly won over audiences with her unique brand of honest raw indie rock with a splash of folk
inspiration. Her debut single Greg’s Discount Chemist gives “A big shot of lyrical cough syrup” [Laundry
Echo]. The song paints a picture of getting sick, getting well, having a crush and getting on. This
incredibly strong debut earned Carla the top gong for the night.
Grand Prize Runner-up was Flewnt (Josh Eggington & Vanessa Hopes) with their song Kya Kyana and the Grand Prize Second Runner-up went to Riley Pearce for his track Elephants.
But it was Flewnt who led the way, picking up three awards for the Outstanding Indigenous and
Urban/Hip Hop categories alongside their Grand Prize Runner-Up win for Kya Kyana (which
translates as “welcome to the ceremonial ground” in Noongar). The full list of #WAMSOTY winners is
a true testament to the rich songwriting talent West Australian music has to offer, with Ava Sharp,
Brayden Sibbald, Elderflower, Electrocity Ensemble, Feels, Nick Abbey, Pat Chow, Stephen
de Filippo, Tara Tiba, The Eastern Line, The Hunting Birds, Tom Fisher and The Layabouts
and Trolley Boy also taking out category honours.
WAM Award winner and adored Perth songwriter, Odette Mercy took on MC duties at the spectacular
awards event, which featured performances by award winners Pat Chow, Tara Tiba and Flewnt,
nominee Echo Adore, and Rhubarb Records DJs.
WAM CEO Mike Harris remarked on Carla’s win “WAM’s Song of the Year just seems to get stronger each year with the quality and number of entries in 2019 blowing all our minds. I don’t judge the songs and for that I am grateful as picking winners from this field would have been very tough. Grand Prize winner Carla Geneve is an incredible talent with an enviable future in music. Congratulations to Carla and all the other winners, finalists and all the entrants not just for winning Song of the Year (though that is important) but for being leaders in WA’s unique music scene.”
Congratulations to Elderflower for taking out the Heavy / Metal award and to Bayview Suspect, ALl This Filth and Chaos Divine for their nomination. For a full ist of winners, head to WAM.org.au.