WAM song of the year nominees announced

WAM song of the year 2019


It’s time to celebrate the next yield of budding stars as we reveal this year’s WAM Song of the Year nominees!

2018-19 is the year for doubling down, with Ben Matthews, Camarano, Farraday’s Cage, Flewnt, Jamilla, Pat Chow and The Hunting Birds all leading the pack with two nominations each.

Congratulations to Bayview Suspect and All This Filth for grabbing a nomination in the Heavy / Metal category along with some other great Perth bands.

All nominees (see full list here) will be in the running for a share in the $45,000 prize pool on offer across the 17 categories – the biggest in recent history – with award winners to be revealed at the WAM Song of the Year Awards Party, taking place on Wednesday 26th June from 6pm at Fremantle’s newest venue, Freo.Social.

Hosted by the inimitable and incredible MC Odette Mercy, the Awards Party will kick into gear with feature performances from Song of the Year nominated acts including gloom pop two-piece Echo Adore, indigenous hip-hop MC Flewnt, indie rockers Pat Chow and Persian world fusion artist Tara Tiba, with Rhubarb Records DJ’s keeping the vibes rolling through the night.

Tickets available via moshtix ($25+ BF for WAM member and $30+BF for non-members). Purchase your ticket today here.

To see complete list of nominees and further info head to https://wam.org.au


WAM Song Of The Year 2019

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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.