To coincide with Friday’s album release date, Danish progressive black metal enigma (0) has just released their newest single, “Sortfugl”, accompanied by a music video inspired by overcoming isolation. The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the music scene and artists around the world, so (0) was inspired to send a message to all who are united by the same circumstances with their new video.
Heavy riffs and dark shimmering melodies pull the listener straight into the signature (0) atmosphere. Brightened by sanguine interludes, dark growls paired with infernal drumming lead into exhilarating spheres. The third single integrates itself perfectly in (0)’s newly released first full length album SkamHan, shivering between oppression and nothingness.
The band states: “The album SkamHan is for us the natural sequel to the (0) EP which came out almost 3 years ago. We have been looking forward to releasing the album and although it does happen in circumstances we could never have imagined in any way, we are happy to share the music with you. We do so in the humble awareness that the world faces a huge challenge and that large parts of humanity are exposed to conditions that we unfortunately do not know the final consequences of. But one of the things that binds us together is music. SkamHan deals with issues such as depression, desperation, isolation, separation and shame. Occasionally one has to dig into the darkness and accept that life is also dark. Enjoy the darkness!
With many greetings and hope for all good”
(0) – MA, FJ, MC, JK and JU
In rousing dark euphoria, (0) lifts the veil for their debut album SkamHan, a lucid dream wrapped in growling dark melancholia. Seven explosive and oppressive tracks presented in a frenzied mania blossom into a hallucinating mixture of black, drone and post metal spiced with intense sludge and progressive influences. The opening track, “Tyndere End Hud”, infatuates with intoxicating riffs and forceful growls, drawing its listener into the dark vortex. Pain and gloomy nothingness dominate the luminous expanse of SkamHan and symbolize the extreme soundscapes in an opus of darkness. The eponymous track crucially grows to a cathartic vibrating atmosphere and ruptures in energetic parts due to the agonized, bloodcurdling growls. The atmospheric expansiveness of the final track, “Alle Renses”, reminds that the routes of (0) remain labyrinthine. The elusive quintet bites the ear of the listener and drips with blackened obscurity.
SkamHan track listing:
1. Tyndere End Hud
2. Sjælstjæler
3. Skarntyder
4. Rød Glorie
5. Sortfugl
6. SkamHan
7. Alle Renses