Devildriver are back with a vengeance with a brand new album titled “Dealing With Demons”. It’s the first half of a double album with the second half to be released at a later date but here we get a sizable taste of what’s to come with 10 brand new songs that sees Dez Fafara and the gang brandish a new found power.
Dez has stated several times in recent interviews including our very own chat that this album is the cleaning of an old slate so to speak, a way to purge the things that have been haunting him over the years which have slowly seeped into his lyrics over the course of his career, “This is the chapter where I lay it all out on a double record” to take a quote from our interview but going through this album song by song, it’s pretty clear he means business. But more than that, there’s a strong turn in the evolution of not just Devildriver as a band but Dez himself on the vocals, which we will get to as we put the spotlight on each track.
Opening with the lead single that kicked off the album announcement back in May “Keep Away From Me” which is kind of ironic given it was essentially during the height of the pandemic, the track starts things off brutally with it’s dark tone blasting it’s way through before playing it down to emphasise the heaviness of the song. While some may see a connection between the pandemic social distancing idea and the title, the song actually deals with Dez’s Agoraphobia which is one of many personal topics that the frontman gets into on this album.
“Vengeance Is Clear” is trademark Devildriver, that signature groove creeping in nicely and Dez furthering his vocal style into new territories in flash moments here and there. “Nest Of Vipers” is more uptempo and has a more laid back, heavy rock feel to it which is not that surprising considering their last release was paying tribute to their country music influences. Here we see one of many first with Dez opening the doors to his lyric writing world for the first time and teaming up with guitarist Neal Tiemann, it’s anatural progression without being forced in anyway and it’s why it works so well here.
“Iona” winds around a haunting story about ghosts with lines such as ‘She carries A Black Rose‘ repeated to emphasise it’s chilling tale before ending in one of the best moments on the album. “Wishing” is a more sombre and melodic affair with some of the most unique vocal lines Dez has ever laid down on a Devildriver album, another first with his clean vocals getting some use in line with his goth roots. It’s one of the moments that will make you sit up and pay attention and then wonder why it was never done on a Devildriver record before.
The title “You Give Me A Reason To Drink” may raise a few questions as it features none other than Dez’s son Simon Blade Fafara but regardless, this is probably one of the highlights of the album. It’s a powerful, groove based number that will remind the listener why they became a fan of Devildriver in the first place. Following on from that is “Witches” which ends up being probably the most aggressive track on offer and certainly the most progressive minded song with the backbone of guitarists Mike Spreitzer and Neal Tiemann along with drummer Austin D’Amond and bassist Diego Ibarra dazzling with their technical proficiency.
We come to the tail end of the album and the band continues to mix things up with the title track laying down some mighty grooves before “The Damned Don’t Cry” washes over you with unbridled familiarity and the closer “Scars Me Forever” bringing more melody to this ever challenging and insightful record. “Dealing With Demons” is only part 1 but already it’s going to take a bit of time for a lot of these tracks and newer elements to sink in, especially to long time Devildriver fans. With the lyrics alone being some of the most personal stuff Dez has written in his long and tumultous career, there’s a lot to take in but ultimately will be worth it in the long run.
Keep Away From Me
Vengeance Is Clear
Nest Of Vipers
You Give Me A Reason To Drink
Dealing With Demons
The Damned Don’t Cry
Scars Me Forever