ALBUM REVIEW: Dolls Raiders – Free Yourself

Mighty Music - December 14th 2018

Starting off with an alarm clock going off before a crushing riff and then a shuffling groove you could be forgiven for thinking we’re back on the Strip in the late 80’s and indeed whilst Tououse’s Dolls Raiders (previously Iron Cobra) have that about them there’s a touch of everything in here from Glam to Hard and even Classic Rock; and it’s all mixed up with that little bite of Metal.

10 songs, great hooks, sing along choruses, shredding solos, and a rock solid rhythm-section, it’s all here. I’m just sorry I got to it a year after release. If it sounds like your thing check out the opener ‘Bad Morning’ and if you like that then you’ll be hooked. If that’s not quite enough to convince then how about the Southern Rock edge to ‘Burn Your TV’ or the slow burn and build of the title track. Maybe the best of all is saved till last though –  ‘Taste of Shame’ is a nice and heavy way to close things, retaining the swagger of the strip but upping the guitars – it’s a winner!


Tracklist: 1. Bad Morning |2. Be Positive| 3. Burn Your TV | 4. Take The Time |5. Real Love | 6. Take The Power |7. Dolls Raiders |8. Free Yourself | 9. Sleeping Man | 10. Taste Of Shame

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Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer