When you call your sixth album ‘II’ that has to surely indicate some sort of statement of intent? To me it signals that H.E.A.T. are a band that is getting back to what made albums like ‘Address The Nation’, their first with singer Erik Grönwall and ‘Tearing Down The Walls’ so beloved by Rock fans. Let’s face it ‘The Great Unknown’ their last album from 2017 didn’t exactly have everyone behind it. ‘II’ is the sound of a band going back to their beginnings, or as the band themselves say: “This is what we would sound like if we made a debut album (in) 2019, hence the title.”
So what do we get? 40 minutes and 11 tracks that don’t stop rocking, starting with the wonderful ‘Rock Your Body’ that screams “get me to that arena now.” It’s a huge song that leads to the foot to the floor rocker ‘Dangerous Ground’ which sports it’s own suitably infectious chorus. Then comes what for many is the track here that will set all doubts aside – ‘Come Clean’ is sheer brilliance and right up there with the best we’ve head, it also sees ric absolutely nail it. If I’m honest those three alone would be enough for me to get my money’s worth and start mumbling “album of the year” but there are eight more!
‘Victory’ keeps things right on track and balances the heaviness with sweeping keys to deliver another killer shot before ‘We Are Gods’ cranks it up further starting with a dirty blues guitar and a soaring vocal that is almost Dio-esque, before the refrain kicks in, and man I love that gentle interlude that precedes that soaring solo!
The half-way point is marked by ‘Adrenaline’ which probably sports the biggest chorus here, and it’s immediately backed by ‘One By One’ the other single that set the tongues wagging and the anticipation growing. So far these guys haven’t put a foot wrong.
And it keeps on giving: ‘Nothing To Say’ adds some respite – yes the ballad has arrived, and whilst it’s a nice ballad I’m afraid it’s sat on an album that really didn’t need one. ‘Heaven Must Have Won An Angel’ that follows is a mid-tempo workout that again is nice enough but in truth the pair are my least favorite here. And that’s the mark of how good this album is as both are nice songs.
H.E.A.T.’s sixth ends so very strongly though: ‘Under The Gun’ is one of the very best here and bounces along on a cool rocking groove, and closer ‘Rise’ will surely be familiar to everyone: it’s an epic track to end a classic album and the most fitting way to close ‘II’. The door is open now and with the wind in the right direction this is the album to push H.E.A.T. into the big leagues.
H.E.A.T II is out on CD, Vinyl and Digital on February 21st 2020 via earMusic.