ALBUM REVIEW: Shark Island – Bloodline

Manifest Music - November 11th 2019 (or February 14th 2020)


Sadly no one sent me this one at the end of last year so here’s another great release from 2019 that we didn’t get a chance to review it.  Shark Island of course back in the day were one of the bands that really should have been much bigger. I can still recall every line of ‘Paris Calling’ and I even got to collecting their demos years ago and deep cuts like my favorite ‘Every little Lie’ show that these guys were certainly a band with huge depth and great song-writing. And you know what – they still are!

2019 sees them back with an album that seriously impresses after a gap of 14 years since ‘Gathering of the Faithful’ their last record – that featured the return of Richard Black (vocals), Spencer Sercombe (guitars), Chris Heilmann (bass) and new addition Glen Sobel (drums). That line-up sadly isn’t recalled for ‘Bloodlines’ but Heilmann and Black are joined this time around by Alex Kane and Damir Samic on guitars and Alen Frjlak on drums.

Of course we’ve already had a taste – with three singles already released in 2019 – a rework of Depeche Mode’s ‘Policy of Truth’  and two originals ‘Fire In The House’ and ‘Crazy Eights’ meaning fans have already had a peek at 3 of the 11 tracks on offer here.

We start out with a bang – opener ‘Make A Move’ actually makes me wonder if I have been transported back in time, it just captures that first 1989 album groove and style so perfectly. And it’s almost as if 30 years hasn’t passed at all by the time ‘Fire In The House’ kicks in with it’s slower swagger, something you can see Black shimmying across the stage to.

Sadly I’ve never been a fan of bands like Depeche Mode and just the fact that  ‘Policy of Truth’ the next song is a cover of theirs instantly puts me off. Now whilst it’s obviously better than the original it’s still a song that fails to grab me, and I’m being nice here. With that one safely flushed away ‘Aktion Is’ is more like it and sounds positively filthy as it slithers out of the speakers and bursts into a satisfyingly sleazy rocker with plenty of bite.

‘7 Tears’ is the albums big curve-ball, a moody, psychedelic tinged Alice Cooper-esque ramble that is strangely enticing. ‘Crazy Eights’ that follows is a simpler proposition that cranks things back up and throws us back to the late 80’s and ‘Rock On The Rocks’ adds more blues and slide and sits somewhere pleasingly between pre-Rocks-era Aerosmith and Rocks-era Primal Scream!  It’s the song that will get you moving, maybe even dancing, but certainly singing along!

‘Butterfly’ starts out with more bluesy noise and stomp-along melodies and proceeds to kick just as much ass as the song before – this pair are where it’s at for me, and ‘When She Cries’ that follows might take things down a notch but it’s another seriously good song that shows that Black can belt out a slower tune with the best of them, thankfully this demi-ballad has balls!

‘Law of The Order’ that follows is an interesting choice of title, named after that major label debut from 1989, it sort of makes you wonder why there wasn’t more fuss made about the anniversary last year. Irrespective of lost opportunities its an interesting song that has a vibe rather like ‘7 Tears’ but this time played as a growling rocker.

That just leaves us with ‘On And On’ the other wild card here, it’s a song that is lushly orchestrated and shot through with a hypnotic refrain whilst Black riffs lyrically in the foreground. It’s a little shot of magic to end what has been a real treat. This would probably be the comeback album of any year. Black is back.


Track List: 01. Make A Move | 02. Fire In The House | 03. Policy of Truth | 04. Aktion Is | 05. 7 Tears | 06. Crazy Eights | 07. Rock On The Rocks | 08. Butterfly |09. When She Cries | 10. Law of The Order | 11. On And On

Band Members: Richard Black – vocals | Alex Kane – guitars | Damir Samic – guitars | Christian Heilmann – bass | Alen Frjlak – drums

Official Website

About Mark Diggins 1955 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer