ALBUM REVIEW: Tokyo Motor Fist – Lions

Frontiers Music s.r.l. - July 10th 2020

Tokyo Motor Fist - Lions

It seems like only the other day that the debut from Tokyo Motor Fist dropped – the band that features Danger Danger singer Ted Poley and Trixter’s guitarist/producer Steve Brown together with bassist Greg Smith (Ted Nugent, Rainbow, Alice Cooper) and drummer Chuck Burgi (Rainbow, Blue Oyster Cult, Joe Lynn Turner). That self-titled album sure was a blast, but it was also over three years ago that it hit, giving the guys plenty of corona-aided time to finish this off.

With no new music likely from either Danger Danger or Trixter on the horizon this might well be the best fans can hope for. And if you love that party/blue sky/uplifting very melodic style of Hard Rock then you are in for a timely reminder of just how good it can be…. but you won’t be prepared for just quite how good.

So are you ready for the album of the decade so far? You are? Well here it is! Most albums have a few great tracks, two or three and they really stand out – this record has eleven standout tracks , or as Spinal Tap might say this one goes up to 11!

Imagine the baby of Trixter, Danger Danger and Def Leppard – well ‘Youngblood’ is that offspring – wonderful ‘blue sky’ hard rock with a little Leppard in the guitars and melodic 80’s radio Rock that Trixter and Danger Danger did so well in that damned catchy chorus. It you love the sound of that it’s brilliant. But the thing is with this album there’s another 10 tracks here all quay good or better.

‘Monster In Me’ for example sounds like it came right off Danger Dangers first album, and whilst it takes the pace off a little it has it all, searingly sweet guitar, a huge refrain, wonderful harmonies and enough hooks to catch a whole school of fish.

If you want it faster ‘Around Midnight’ sparks with a life that you feel can help you reach out and touch those stars, its frenetic and dripping in Melody and perfectly placed next to the mid-paced  ‘Mean It’ which sounds like the Trixter of old at their very best.It’s a song that transports you back to those days when Rock was fun and we didn’t carry our phones around or stare at screens to get all of our entertainment. You remember those days when you had to make an effort to do things and they were all the more memorable because you did.

The title track ‘Lions’ then takes you to a halt. A slow building contemplation of the current state of the world but also a song of hope that is wonderfully orchestrated and acts almost as a moment to reflect on the times we live in before we get back to the party that helps us forget!

And what a way to resume! ‘Decadence On 10th Street’ is stunning, starting out with a chunky almost Extreme-like riff it stomps all over the stage like the best of them. It’s music to lose yourself to! And the party doesn’t stop there: ‘Dream Your Heart Out’ offers a slightly harder edge in the guitars, which star here, before that silky smooth refrain kicks in; and ‘Blow Your Mind’ adds more texture – a wonderfully light escapist ballad that reminds me of Mr. Big.

The best of all might just be ‘Sedona,’ which we talk about with Steve in our latest interview (up next week). It’s one of the best songs I’ve heard in ages, classy, sassy and lifted to another level by the use of some brass!

Seemingly just  to rub it in we end with two more killer tracks at diametric ends off the scale: ‘Look Into Me’ is another ballad that could have ridden high in the charts back in the day, and the fiery ‘Winner Takes All’ which starts on a bed of lush strings before the lead breaks and we get another melody-laden rocker that doesn’t set a foot wrong and has a chorus that will stay with you  long after the songs has finished.

This is as good as anything back in the day.  Honestly I haven’t stopped grinning yet! Rock is fun again! And these guys were born to deliver it! (Is that enough exclamation marks?)


Tracklist: Youngblood | Monster In Me | Around Midnight | Mean It | Lions | Decadence On 10th Street | Dream Your Heart Out | Blow Your Mind | Sedona | Look Into Me |Winner Takes All

Ted Poley – Vocals
Steve Brown – Guitar,Vocals & Keyboards
Chuck Burgi – Drums
Greg Smith – Bass & Vocals


About Mark Diggins 1943 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer