Calgary’s Red Cain begin the end of “Kindred” saga with single “Sunshine (Blood Sun Empire)”

Red Cain


Red Cain‘s new single “Sunshine (Blood Sun Empire)” ushers in the follow-up album to 2019’s “Kindred: Act I”; entitled “Kindred: Act II”, which follows the warrior Zalcoatl and combines ancient myths and stories with a commentary on how these exist and apply in modern society. The single is complex and drives forward the tale with precision. The band explains what listeners will encounter with this single:

“We upgrade our trademark sprawling, epic, yet tightly wound style to a considerably heavier and more technical level, and add aggressive, direct vocals and a grimy Mastodon-esque occult atmosphere. This track has some of our favourite production and rhythm guitar performances (pay attention to the massive 7-string riffs!), and was a favourite to track vocals to, feeling the power at every step, complete with thunderous drum work.”

Asking questions about cults, sacrifice, and the future of the human story as well as having an underlying story within itself, “Sunshine (Blood Sun Empire)” is, effectively the first and last track of the “Kindred” album cycle. Featuring some of Evgeniy Zayarny’s best lyrical work to date it borrows directly from Aztec and Mesopotamian ritual writings and mythology to construct an evocative and powerful narrative of a man locked in a battle of wills with a destiny that he yearns to bend to his control.



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