After the release of their critically acclaimed fourth album, Trapped In Chaos, released in 2019 via Napalm Records, German collective DUST BOLT enters the 21st century by embracing their creative energy while considerably re-directing the musical course they have taken on their previous releases. In the first weeks of the new year, the band promises an equally challenging as captivating outbreak of fresh and technical slant towards the genre DUST BOLT already established itself in as one of the most promising thrash acts.
Teamed up with a new member DUST BOLT approaches the breaking point and is ready to broaden their artistic horizons, as well as explore territories often left untouched by other metal groups. Dubbed by the band as “The New Beginning”, these changes will include multiple surprises that DUST BOLT will prepare for their fans in the upcoming few months. This, plus the band’s diversity, will truly blow both fans and new listeners away – final proof of the band’s skills and determination!
This revolution now unfolds in front of our eyes with the brand-new video for “Trapped in Chaos”, recorded at their blasting show at Summer Breeze 2019. A perfect representation of all the qualities characterizing the music of the German group, the song, together with the accompanying video, summarizes the complete chapter of DUST BOLT’s history, with charismatic vocals and merciless guitar riffs slaying persistently through impressive guitar solos.
No one knows what a new year will hold – but you can be sure this new year will belong to DUST BOLT!