Hallas releases documentary “The Making Of Conundrum – A Sonic Adventure Rock Odyssey”



Along with their epic adventure rock album Conundrum, out since March 20 via Napalm Records, HÄLLAS have released an extraordinary documentary, The Making of Conundrum – A Sonic Adventure Rock Odyssey. The footage details the true story behind the album – specifically the writing, producing and creation process – while reflecting the incredible relationship between the band members, not only as musicians, but as friends.

Although they all have their own specific vision of sound aesthetics, they’re still walking the same road leading to the essence of their individual imaginations coalescing into the sonic masterpiece called Conundrum.

Kasper Eriksson states: “Instead of focusing too much on the music, J. (Broken Int.) – the director and brain behind this short movie – beautifully captured the friendship in the band. We weren’t expecting that and it was a really nice experience seeing it from someone else’s perspective.”


Get Conundrum – CD / Vinyl HERE


Hallas - Conundrum

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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.