Hornography releases official CD sampler of Perth metal

Hornography - Perth Monthly Metal Club


Perth’s home of local metal, HORNOGRAPHY loudly and proudly announces the release of their first metal sampler. Containing 19 tracks, the compilation showcases the outstanding quality and diversity of the local Perth metal scene. Groove, death, grind, black, power & everything in between, there is something here for everyone. Grab a listen & find yourself some new Australian metal to add to your collection!

Available for free download at WWW.HORNOGRAPHY-PERTH.COM

Or hard copies also available via msg at WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/HORNOGRAPHYMETALCLUB



1. Silent Knight : Dethrone Tyranny (Gamma Ray cover) : Power Metal
2. Depravity : Castrate The Perpetrators : Death Metal
3. Tempest Rising : Fuck The Scene : Metal
4. Vanadium BC : Something Brutal : Pure Australian Metal
5. Crypt Crawler : The River Of Blood : Death Metal
6. All This Filth : Drowning : Industrial Groove Core
7. Blüddypŏp : Housing Refugees : Grind / Death
8. Tom Thumb : Boiling Little Balls : Fore Grind
9. Burial Ground : The Black Monolith : Death Metal
10. The Uncreation : Pan Dimensional Webs Of Satan : Black / Death
11. Bloodlust : High Speed Slaughter : Black / Thrash
12. Population Control : Predators : Grindcore
13. Population Control : Hell On Earth : Grindcore
14. Prognosis Negative- : The Dark Defender : Alternative Metal
15. Kalvath : Sadist Of Circumstance : Death Metal
16. Death Dependant : Parasite : Thrash Metal
17. Kimura : Bloodfan : Modern Australian Metal
18. SenSiMiLLia : Life : Metal
19. Claim The Throne : My Dying Throes : Melodic Death / Folk


Hornography CD sampler

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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.