Denmark’s Artillery are easily appointed as one of Europe’s earliest exponents of thrash metal, and the band’s contribution to the classic genre is difficult to ignore. Delivering a sinister array of riffs, fusing pure aggression and hyper speed with technicality and strong melodies, Artillery are a full throttle thrash inferno.
Ready to attack and resonating like a hail of gunfire, this Danish quartet will leave Australian audiences stomped, crushed and battered in the pit! We grabbed a few words from the band ahead of the tour.
This will be your first time in Australia, what can people expect?
Well, a band giving all they got of Artillery metal. So an old school Thrash metal show.
Aside from the shows, do you have any plans to do anything specific in Australia that you would like to check out?
To just simply be in Australia is a huge thing for us. So all in all I think we are looking forward to enjoy everything you have in your country. The people, nature, smells and tastes.
How do you pick out a setlist and is that a difficult process?
We always have the songs we have to do and then we always look at the new album and the odd track, so not necessarily difficult, but you have to think about dynamics and so on.
The Face Of Fear was released in 2018 but we hear you are working on a new album, any truth to that and if so, how far are you in the writing process?
We are in the initial stages of the process, but with a lot of ideas, so we are excited about how it will turn out.
What inspires Artillery the most these days, musically speaking?
If you think about other bands we listen to, then a mixture of both new and old metal, but certainly also alternative stuff. I think you have to reach outside the boundaries of the genre you play yourself.
Who are some of your main influences?
Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, alot of the old thrash bands.
Who or what inspired you to be in a band and play music?
The creativity and love of music. The exciting travels and people. A world of experiences.
How do you feel about the current music scene right now?
Well, it is divided into two things I think. The commercial part and the passionate part. Sometimes the boundaries are unclear, but today people are either dedicated or indifferent.
Do you believe music can still change the world?
Yes, music creates unity. Sometimes it is your world that changes and then you can take the next step and influence others.
If you could be a fly on the wall for the recording of any album in history, what album would it be?
Black Sabbath’s Never Say Die. Simply because the process must have been utter chaos hehe
What is the meaning of life?
42 hehe. No, the truth lies in the paradox. But the answer to it all must be a feeling of purpose, contentment, love and the joy without consequences.
McEwen M&T & Churches of Steel Fest presents
ARTILLERY ‘The Face Of Fear’ Australian Tour February 2020
Feb 4th – Gold Coast – Vinnies Dive w/ Level H, Puncture Wound, Blood Of The Lannisters
Feb 5th – Brisbane – Crowbar w/ Asylum, Odius, Spektre
Feb 6th – Canberra – The Basement w/ Mattersphere, Taliesin
Feb 7th – Melbourne – Stay Gold w/ Espionage, Envenomed
Feb 8th – Adelaide – Churches Of Steel IV Fest
Feb 9th – Sydney – Frankie’s Pizza (Free Entry) w/Metreya, Livewire, Head in a Jar
Limited VIP Meet & Greet packages available at