H.E.A.T is a band that has always been at the forefront of the resurgence of modern Melodic Rock and whilst in the past they’ve experimented here and there this year – 2020 they’ve taken everything back to basics and they’ve done it without sacrificing a thing, indeed some are saying they’ve gained a while lot more. H.E.A.T. II their latest album is one of the truly great records of the last ten years and looks like a certainty for ‘album of the year’, we caught up with Erik to find out all about it…
Erik: Hi Mark how are you?
Mark: Not too bad thanks Erik considering the state of things out there at the moment.
Erik: Yeah it’s crazy times everywhere.
Mark: At least we have some great music from H.E.A.T. to take into isolation with us – ‘H.E.A.T. II’ is a fantastic album, 40 minutes, 11 tracks and it really starts off with a bang with ‘Rock Your Body’ tell us about the process for this one did you do anything differently?
Erik: Well it’s been a pretty interesting process actually, Jona and Dave produced the album so it’s the first time we’ve produced an album ourselves. And they basically wrote the album really, it’s kind of like they found each other again after all these years because they started writing music when they were like 12! (laughs)
Mark: (laughs)
Erik: So it was pretty interesting to see them work so closely together again and they’ve done an amazing job. And we recorded the whole thing in our won studio so it’s been a very nice and very creative process because we all live pretty nearby and so everyone has been able to get to the studio whenever and it’s not been like that when we’ve done previous albums. I mean we did the last album in Thailand where we basically had five weeks and you have to perform and then go back home and still work on the album. But this time we’ve been taking our time and we’ve been working on it for longer than usual and I think that is the difference in the quality. It as great to have that creative freedom and to produce it ourselves.
Mark: I can’t quite decide if ‘Come Clean’ or ‘We Are Gods’ is my favourite at the moment, do you have any particular favourites to sing?
Erik: Well I like ‘Victory’ and “We are Gods’ because I generally tend to like the heavier songs so I think those are mine but ‘We Are Gods’ is just so much fun to sing.
Mark: It must be incredibly frustrating not being able to take an album like that right out on the road? How are you and the band coping with that?
Erik: (laughs) Yeah, I mean we did a few shows in Sweden and we did get a chance to play a few new songs on the Caribbean Cruise (the Monsters of Rock Cruise in February this year) so we have played them live but sadly because of the Corona situation we’ve had to shelve everything. We were actually supposed to be on our way to Japan now.
Mark: Japan then I think the UK where all my friends were waiting for you.
Erik: Yeah, exactly. But we’ll see what happens with the UK Tour, I haven’t heard anything yet (The three date Tour is still scheduled for 28-30 May 2020). I’m still hoping that we will be able to do it but let’s see what happens. The corona situation is problematic for everyone.
Mark: So what can fans do over the next few months to help out their favourite bands? Wat’s the best way to support an artist you love?
Erik: Well keep listening to the music and if you can afford to buy merchandise because that always helps, but it’s affecting everyone and a lot of different industries not just ours, but whatever you can do to help out is good. If you can but a CD or T-Shirt to support a band you love, I know a lot of bands that would appreciate that.
Mark: We saw you a few years ago, or at least you and Jona were down here in Australia and so many people have asked me to ask you if there are any plans to maybe visit us again on this tour when it kick starts again, and bring this wonderful album Downunder for us?
Erik: Oh yeah, definitely. We were definitely looking into it, but the way things are now instead of planning a new tour we’re more concerned with damage control for existing tours, and that’s taking up a lot of our time now. So instead of focusing on touring places like Australia we have to focus on maybe postponing and rescheduling the Japan tour dates. But of course we’ll be back, me and Jona loved it down there so we just need to find a good time for it.
Mark: I will be a bit cheeky and ask a Coronavirus themed question – if you were going to have to go into isolation and could only take three albums with you what are the three albums you would take?
Erik: (laughs) wow that’s a hard question.
Mark: you’re lucky that I’m giving you this one in advance, when you have to pack later you’ll be ahead of the game!
Erik: (laughs) definitely something by Little Richard because I love that 60’s Rock and Roll music, probably a Creedence Clearwater Revival album, and a Pantera album, ‘Cowboys From Hell maybe! (laughs) I’d need that last one if I get frustrated or angry, Pantera always gets that anger out, it’s always good for that.
Mark: So I guess the other big question is with such a potential hole in the schedule that we’re not quite sure where the end will be at the minute what will you be getting up to in that downtime? Will there be any writing?
Erik: Well we’re always writing songs, so that’s something that’s always constant. So there maybe a few more written (laughs) and I guess we just have to realise that there will be no tours so we’ll find other things. I do a bit of lecturing as well at different schools in Sweden but those are cancelled as well. So I realise that I will be at home till maybe June! So I will have to find something to do but I also work with other artists and they have a few things going on, so I’m gonna work with that and make sure I promote them and so on. There’s always something to do but obviously a lot less than we’d normally get up to.
Mark: So in these unusual times our traditional closing question seems all the more relevant. What is the meaning of life?
Erik: (laughs) For me (laughs) it’s obviously a very hard question to answer, and a lot of people much wiser than I am I’m sure have tried to answer that question in the past, philosophers, wise men all haven’t been able to answer that (laughs). But I would say for me personally everyday do something you would enjoy doing and if you can do that every day of your life you won’t regret it. Make the most of everything and wake up every day ready to do something you enjoy doing. And travel, do as much as possible that makes you feel good. (laughs) that’s the best answer I can come up with, it’s such a hard and philosophical question so I tried to simplify it (laughs)!
Mark: It’s a great answer Eric. I’m certainly inspired to get out and see a whole lot more of the planet when we get through this.
Erik: Thank you so much Mark, great to talk to you.
Mark: You too mate, stay safe.
Erik: Thank you very much, take care.
H.E.A.T. II is out now -check it out at: http://www.heatsweden.com/