Those perennial road warriors The Supersuckers have clocked up more miles than a Linfox truck, and are doing a huge (almost three months,most bands in Oz do a week) UK/European tour, supporting their 13th studio opus,Play that Rock n Roll.The 100 Club has seen some legends tread the boards-The Stones,Sex Pistols and The Clash etc, so the Suckers are in good company.
In mainman, Eddie Spaghetti’s world, not much changes, beard a bit longer, cowboy hat down low, cheap sunglasses shielding roadworn and weary eyes, as he growls out the rockn roll gospel of the superb Evil Powers of Rock and Roll, Rock n roll Records Aren’t Selling This Year, Rock Your Ass and Play That Rock and Roll.You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to detect theme here,it’s the adoration of all things ROCK N ROLL, and The Supersuckers are a band steeped in it.
Dead Inside, a more personal insight from Spaghetti, touches on the bands country side, while Ain’t Gonna Stop was among the standouts from the recent album. Luck is all buzzsaw guitars and pummelling drums, courtesy of the devilish Marty Chandler and Chris Von Streicher.
The Michael Monroe brawler, Dead,Jail or Rock and Roll is tailor-made for The Supersuckers, but equally well fitting is the Willie Nelson penned Bloody Mary Morning (it may be one tomorrow).The encore can only be the conjoined pairing of the Cowboy Song and Born With A Tail, then its back on the bus and hit the motorway.