12Gauge Rampage storms the deathgrind scene by playing without guitars; New video out now

12 Gauge Rampage


Australian grinders 12Gauge Rampage have released a covid-19 themed video, for the very suggestive track #killedmorecuntsthancovid.

Offering a unique twist of extremities by playing deathgrind without the use of guitars or synth, everything you hear, tracked and live, is shredded and delivered at pace from bass, drums, vocals… and an abundance of rage.

Now the band from the Blue Mountains delivers a bloody and violent history of someone struggling to make ends meet after losing his job because of the lockdowns. Left by his wife and with a bunch of bills to pay, our antagonist becomes pissed and suicidal, holding society accountable for his misery and proceeding with a frenzied rampage.

12Gauge Rampage will release their debut album Unleash the Rage on August 5th via Grindhead Records, sharply followed by an Australian East Coast tour. Armed with a take no prisoners attitude, 12Gauge Rampage will slam you with a wall of sound with the sole intent of rendering your body useless!

Vinyl, cassette & digital pre-order: https://grindheadrecords.bandcamp.com/album/unleash-the-rage




12 Gauge Rampage

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