ALBUM REVIEW: Black Diamonds – No Tell Hotel

Metropolis Records - March 12th 2021


It’s been over three long years since we were rocking to ‘Once Upon A Time’ Black Diamond’s last full-length release and listening to his new one plus the pandemic stopping us all in out tracks makes you realise how much we’ve missed these guys. Their extensive overseas tours and Festival appearances have certainly done them good though as this record shows not only a new maturity of song-writing but also shows that some of those great fellow European bands they’ve toured with might have added a little to their collective pot.


I love the opener and the title track ‘No Tell Hotel’ – a song that instantly grabs you  and tells you Black Diamonds is back – it’s hooky as hell and sports a wonderful melody line and in all honesty I like it more than the three singles so far, which is always a good sign as they all managed to hit the spot.

You’ll have heard the gritty Motley grind of ‘Evil Twin’ with it’s infectious chorus and great mix of guitar and vocal harmonies – that reminds you of a mix of bands as diverse as Crazy Lixx, Crashdiet and H.E.A.T. The just released ‘Lonesome Road’ follows – a song which you at first feel might come a little quickly for a stripped back number: but though its opened by acoustic and sounds like its heading for lighter-waving ballad territory it amps up into something more electric and interesting. It still has that country-tinged twang but it inhabits the sort of territory you’d imagine The Georgia Satellites would if they’d been a Hair Metal band! I love it!

‘Forever Wild’ is modern Euro-styed European modern Sleazy rock as has that same wonderful vibe as ‘Evil Twin’ but it’s slicker, catchier and pure gold! At the moment it’s my favourite here. Though hang on a minute ‘Saturday’ (the single that hit in December) is pretty cool too! Starting with handclaps and some lovely guitar it’s a smooth Sunset Strip sing-along that steers towards the Poison end of the street.

The half way mark comes with ‘Anytime’ which is that moody ballad, replete with lush melodies and beautiful guitar. It’s sure to stir a few tears but sadly it’s the only track here that I downgraded to only ‘very good’. Nice as it is, there just seems to cry put for a  huge hook that never quite comes that would elevate it to a classic. ‘The Island’ kicks us back into high gear – a nice breezy ‘blue sky’ rockers to put the pedal down to; whilst ‘My Fate’ adds a real swagger and wonderful harmonies; and ‘Hand In Hand’ comes as a second ballad, and one this time that does tick that final box.

On an album you really don’t want to stop ‘Reaching For The Stars’ adds some grit and a darker edge that really suits the band  and that grittiness is kept for ‘Turn To Dust’ which has all the attitude you need and a great chorus to make it another firm favourite. The final say goes to ‘Outlaw’ which you will either love or hate, or if you’re like me it will just leave you wondering ‘why?’ – ostensively a ‘outlaw/highwayman ditty’ it has a folky sing-along thrust and a little of The Wildhearts in the melody. Presumably it’s just a bit of fun as it’s completely out of place. It does however close the album leaving you fearing a radical departure for the next album! (Yes hopefully I’m only joking there).

Four albums to their credit, this might just be the best yet.



Tracklist: 1. No-Tell Hotel, 2. Evil Twin, 3. Lonesome Road, 4. Forever Wild, 5. Saturday, 6. Anytime, 7. The Island, 8. My Fate, 9. Hand In Hand, 10. Reaching For The Stars, 11. Turn To Dust, 12. Outlaw



About Mark Diggins 1942 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer