ALBUM REVIEW: Native Sons – The Natives Are Restless

HighVolMusic - March 12th 2021

I like this and so will you if you like Bluesy Hard Rock with great melodies, because within you’ll find some fine songs here that are delivered with passion and almost inexplicably didn’t see the light of day.

There’s a lot in here from the traditional melodic hard rock touched by Blues of opener ‘Silver Lining’ to the gutsier “Had Enough of Me’ which introduces a swelling Hammond-like organ that just adds another wonderful layer to the sound.

I hear a lot of Cry of Love in here and that can’t be a bad place to start – its a sound more hard rocking than say the Black Crowes and not quite as soulful as say Bandlands. Indeed Native Sons inhabit that territory you feel you might bump into Black Stone Cherry, The Cult or even Kenny Wayne Shepherd at any turn – they’re not the same of course but certainly neighbours.

‘Here and Now’ continues the good work and in this company it’s an OK track whereas you feel that on most similar releases it could be the standout – a real raw rocker with some lovely guitar work.

‘Monster’ by contrast sounds decidedly modern and radio-friendly and comes as a bit of a wildcard with all previous influences dialed down. It’s got a great refrain and goes down smoothly enough and despite the different feel I can’t help liking it.

Another texture comes with ‘Master of My Fate’ which takes things down to allow the voice and guitars to shine. Half-way in and we’ve been treated to a seriously good first half!

The second half come flying by with a wet sail and seriously rivals what you’ve heard so far. First ‘Full Circle’ kicks in on the back of a big fat groove and shimmies into life; before the short to-the-point Bluesy rocker ‘Crazy Enough’ gives another fine hit of Blues Rock. The striped back, acoustic ‘One Another’ that follows is just sublime and rides a delicate melody with swelling keys feint in the background adding just the right emphasis. It’s a key track here.

When ninth track ‘Peacemaker’ hits you realise that its almost over but what an opening – there’s’ a guitar from another time and a smooth verse that leads to a comforting chorus that really hits a nerve as do a lot of the songs here. The final word though goes to ‘The Key’ which sports a more modern sound some nice fuzzy guitar and a wonderful build to a kicking chorus made to play loud.

Timeless Blues-tinged Hard Rock with feeling a passion and more delicate in places than you might expect which gives the album a wonderful honesty and authenticity. I want more please… 

8.5 / 10

Tracklisting: 1. Silver Lining | 2. Had Enough Of Me | 3. Here And Now | 4. Monster | 5. Master Of My Fate | 6. Full Circle | 7. Crazy Enough | 8. One Another | 9. Peacemaker | 10. The Key

About Mark Diggins 1941 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer