ALBUM REVIEW: Temple Balls – Pyromide

Frontiers Records - April 16th 2021


As well as the usual suspects in the resurgence of Melodic Hard Rock there are also the quieter achievers like Finland’s Temple Balls. OK I realise I’m late to the party but at the moment album number three – ‘Pyromide’ is one on rotation here at Rockpit HQ…

We open with the stall all laid out – the fiery ‘Thunder From the North’ kicks things off followed by the more melodic ‘Long Ways, Long Lies’ and then the dare I say it funkier swing of ‘T.O.T.C.’ Sonically that’s Temple Balls in a nutshell there in these three songs but musically it’s only part of the story. The guitars on here for example sound amazing and vocalist Arde Teronen is a real find.

The melodic ‘Fallen Youth’ might not be quite up to that but it’s not bad; and ‘Bad, Bad, Bad’ takes the sort of disco beats bands like Reckless Love are dealing with and adds a harder edge, it’s definitely one you can dance to! ‘What is Dead Never Dies’ is another great track with a real cut and thrust that adds a pinch of Power Metal into the mix.

‘There’s a great swing and stomp to ‘Unholy Night’ and  I love what they do with the Dio-like Metal-tinged ‘Heart of a Warrior.’ If you like those then the slick commercial melodies of ‘You Better Run’ should seal the deal before the big ballad ‘If Only I Could’ seriously impresses. It ends playing to teh bands strengths: ‘Something to Die For’ the closer rides a great riff and is a wonderful Hard Rocking way to exit.

Honestly this is just a great album even if I haven’t a clue what ‘Pyromide’ means (seems like a cunning way to top a google search) and I’m still wondering why would you call your band Temple Balls unless you like a serious smoke? However if you’re looking for great Melodic Hard Rock with an occasional Metal edge, searing guitars, great melodies and superb vocals look no further.

Produced by Jona Tee from H.e.a.t, and supporting bands like Queen, Deep Purple and Uriah Heep it’s clear others are taking notice too. 


About Mark Diggins 1941 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer