Doomcave, instigated in 2017 as a solo project by Aiden Vestgaard, has grown to become a four piece band with strong, theatrical live performances. Genesis, Doomcave’s fifth release is their first collaborative release with the new members.
The Black Metal project is far from your run-of-the-mill Black Metal, infused with various elements, Genesis is relatively melodic in parts with synth orchestra giving epic symphonic components. The brooding, melancholic atmosphere is backed with powerful grooves, piercing guitar chords and the essential blastbeats. Dynamic vocals ranging from deeps growls to almost folk-like cleaner singing in parts of track three, Majesterium, complimented with choir backing add to the grand majestic-ness of the overall sound.
This EP is a must listen for melodic black metal fans and those who like epic journeys will enjoy the ebb and flow, harshness and beauty entwined together to simulate the trials and tribulations faced in life as well as the greatness that surrounds us. A grand opening, this four track release has a soundtrack-like beginning, chanting coming through a climatic symphony before breaking into black metal beauty. Although each song is a work of art on its own, together the tracks of Genesis truly unwind a musical journey that should be enjoyed in its full glory.
The Ruination Of All