INTERVIEW: Black Diamonds – Andi Barrels talks about ‘No Tell Hotel’

The press release around ‘No Tell Hotel’ reads: “Black Diamonds are the unmistakable proof that Rock and Roll is neither dusty nor old fashioned. Since the band was founded in 2004, the four guys from the St. Gallen Rhine Valley (CH) have skillfully combined hard rock with catchy melodies. The energetic live show is generously enriched with glam rock elements: black eyeliner, hairspray, Hello Kitty shirts – in short: everything that Pandora’s make-up box has to offer.

I’ll go further- these guys are right up there with Eclipse, Crazy Lixx and H.E.A.T. so if you like your modern Rock with a distinct stadium flavour you have to check them out. I caught up with Andi after way too long to talk all about why the new record is just so damned good! 


Mark: I mate, how are you?

Andi: Not too bad!

Mark: It’s been a while!

Andi: Oh yes! The year’s flown by.

Mark: It has, it’s funny literally a couple of days before I got the album through I was playing ‘Once Upon a Time’ and wondering when I’d hear from you. So ‘No Tell Hotel’ – I’m convinced it just may be your best yet!

Andi: I think so yes, I really do believe so. A lot has been happening with us and I think we matured a little bit and as a result I think this one is special.

Mark: It’s just a shame that the way things are at the moment we can’t get you on the road for people to see not just hear how good it is!

Andi: Oh yes!

Mark: What’s it been like where you are? Here it’s been really weird in our isolation it’s almost as if Covid doesn’t exist here. But I know things are very different elsewhere.

Andi: Well I think the situation over here is pretty good, I know people who have had Covid and for them it’s been like a really bad flu for a few days but then they’ve been OK. All the restaurants are closed, all the bars have been closed for almost a year. You can’t really do anything though, the shops opened up two weeks ago but before that you could only buy groceries but there are still plenty of measures in place and we’re kind of driven by Germany and France our neighbours who are very strict. But of course we all hope things change very soon.

Mark: Well that’s the Covid update done, the important thing is of course talking about the new Black Diamonds record ‘No Tell Hotel’. Three years since the last record, how long have you had to delay thing due to the global situation?

Andi: Well the biggest delay really wasn’t due to Covid it was due to the departure of our guitar player Dee. About a year ago he texted us and said “Guys we have to talk” and at the next reversal he told us he was going to leave just out of the blue. And by that time we had almost all of the songs written, maybe not finished completely, but written and it came as a real shock to us. But luckily we came across his replacement Chris very soon – I think one week later we had him on board.  

Mark: It’s huge when a band member who has been there for so long leaves, do you think it will affect your sound in the future?

Andi: I think it already did, I think when I compare Dean and Chris I think Dean was more of a blues player – bands like AC/DC and Airborne were his main influences while Chris comes from a more Metal and Rock background, and I think his soloing is more melodic. He has more of those ‘singing’ melody solos and I think it just fits the band’s music a little better.  

Mark: I think you can hear that. I must admit when I first wrote the review I’d only listened to the album a couple of times and the two songs on there that I was initially not keen on I love now! (laughs)

Andi: I know! (laughs)

Mark: The one that didn’t click initially as the first ballad and now it’s one of my favourites on the album! So there you go! But I still think my favourite is ‘Forever Wild’ – it’s a great song better with each listen – one of your best so far!

Andi: It’s funny how we put together a Punk Rock feel with a very slow beginning with these 80’s sounds to transition. It’s an interesting thing and it came out great. 

Mark: ‘Lonesome Road’ too is great, I just had that on before we spoke, opening with the acoustic – it sounds like The Georgia Satellites on Sunset Strip! But tell us about the other song I wasn’t sure about that I love now – the closing track – it’s a lot of fun! Who came up with that one?

Andi: Well I can tell you what you just told me was true for the band as well! (laughs) A lot of tracks we needed to get adjusted to and ‘Outlaw’ is probably the best example of that. When I came up with the intro melody I brought it to the guys and said “I have this melody and I think it’s great” and I remember our singer Michael said to me “What the fuck is wrong with you?” (laughs)   

Mark: (laughs)

Andi: He said “I’m not going to play Bonanza!” (laughs) So I just kept working on the tune to get it out of my head, and at some point I came up with the verses and then the chorus, and when I went back to play it for them he said “Well now you’ve got something, but I’m still not sure about it.” And then we started to play it a few times and instantly it clicked and now they love it.

Mark: It is certainly one that grows on you. So just put my mind at rest – you’re not going to do a Country album next are you?

Andi: (laughs) No! Not really. I think we like things to be versatile and to be different, not just have the same songs over again.

Mark: I think you’re right it’s nice to break things up especially when you see a band live to alter the dynamics and get everyone involved.

Mark: I saw you had a few live dates penciled in, and I‘ve seen a few tours that look like they might happen later in the year. How hopeful are you at this stage?

Andi: Well I’m always the optimist – I’m always the ‘glass half full’ kind of person, so I’m hoping and thinking that things will open up again and we can go out and play the album. I think I would go crazy if I had to think otherwise.

Mark: I think you’re right this has to end. I love to get overseas as often as I can and it’s not good to think it may not be for another year.

Andi: I know.



Mark: During lockdown for me it’s been a chance to reacquaint myself with albums that maybe I haven’t listened to in a while and we’ve been asking everyone for their recommendations in something we call ‘5 for lockdown.’ So Andi you’re on the spot now – can you give us you’re five?

Andi: It’s a great question. Actually I started to look at Spotify for the first time in the last few weeks which was always the think I didn’t want to touch, but being in the home office all the time I liked the idea of just pressing ‘play’ and playing new things. But I still do listen to albums and some of my favourites are ‘H.E.A.T. – II’ which was great, Eclipse, not the last one but ‘Monumentum’ – that’s been playing a lot. And I’ve played through ‘Guns ‘n’ Roses Use Your Illusion I and II’ a few times recently – I’ve been in love with the band since I was 12 and I’ve just rediscovered all the great songs they have.

Mark: Great band and one for me that hold so many great memories. They are supposed to visit us later in the year and that would be a great reintroduction to international bands! 

Andi: None better!

Mark: So when are you guys coming to see us? Is it a question of the right offer?

Andi: Definitely, personally I’d love to come down there, I think I’d combine it with some holidays as well! (laughs)

Mark: There was a Melodic Rock Fest down here last year and you’d be great on a bill like that. That was a year ago two days ago and it just puts into perspective how much I miss live music. It must be horrible for you guys especially when you have an album like this not being able to play it live?

Andi: It’s like an itch that you can’t scratch. We have put so much of our energy and blood into the new album and we’re starving to play it. On the other hand I think we’re lucky compared to other bands that had their records out just before Covid – they’re in a much harder spot than we are. We benefitted also a little bit when we were on short work partially – so we worked in the morning and in the afternoon we were free to do the recording which was kind of neat. And also the videos – we never had as much time as we had this time around to do videos. So not everything was bad, but I miss live music a lot. 

Mark: I know how you feel. Getting back to the album I love the title track it’s a great way to start and for me hearing the singles in the lead up and then finally putting the album on and hearing that first track I thought Wow I loved the singles but this is even better!  

Andi: (laughs)

Mark: The concept behind the album is obviously a fun place where people can go and have a great time and what happened there stays there!?

Andi: Well I think the concept evolved around the songs – the songs were there before we had the concept! (laughs) We found the concept after we knew the songs that would be on there. But as a band we are all about fun. Playing music for us is fun, we love getting out there and laughing a lot, people need to have a good time.

Mark: Amen to that. As a long term fan who has loved everything so far I know a lot of fans have their favourites that they always want to hear but with ‘No Tell Hotel’ I think I just want to hear the whole thing live!

Andi: That’s awesome.

Mark: It must be a good thing as a band to know that too that people out there just want to hear the new stuff? Not many bands can do that – most will just try and sneak a few new ones in and see if they get away with it! In my opinion this is the best so far.

Andi: We think the same thing and we aren’t really looking forward to doing the new set list – it will be horrible especially if we only get a 40 minute set! (laughs)

Mark: That would be hard. What’s definitely going to make it? Are the singles still the standouts for you?

Andi: It’s difficult. I think the bad all have their favourites, so maybe the singles, maybe not. I think ‘Lonesome Road’ is definitely going to be in every show because it’s probably the most mainstream song and I guess it touches most people.

Mark: I love the way it starts and it’s definitely one that will get people waving their lighters in the air, if we can still do that these days?

Andi: Or their phones these days! (laughs) You’re still old school right!

Mark: Unashamedly so! Now for anyone listening at the moment they know how much I love my music and for me at the minute the best new Hard Rock bands around are Eclipse, Midnite City and Crazy Lixx, but I’d add you to that list too. That’s the dream quadruple bill for me and you’re right up there with those guys for me. It’s that new wave of great music that’s sounding like the best of the late eighties, some call it the New Wave of Hair Metal but I’ve always hated the phrase Hair Metal!

Andi: (laughs) We’re fine with whatever you want to call us!

Mark: OK I won’t call you that then!

Andi: We just call ourselves a Rock Band.

Mark: That sounds good to me. It’s always great to talk to you Andi, I can’t believe it’s been two years since we last spoke.  

Andi: Four years!

Mark: (laughs) Oh my God has it been that long! I’m going to diarize you for more regular calls now because we always have fun! It always brings a huge smile to my face when I hear something new from you and one day I have to catch you live – that’s on my bucket list!

Andi: I really hope so.

Mark: Wonderful as always to talk to you. Now the final question I primed you for earlier – why do you think people should go out and but ‘No Tell Hotel’?

Andi: I think there are plenty of good reasons to buy ‘No Tell Hotel’ – if you’re looking for versatile songs, if you’re looking for a little bit of fun, if you’re looking for a way to get distracted from all things Covid then ‘No Tell Hotel’ could be just the thing for you. We didn’t invent a new kind of music but we love what we do and we think you’re gonna love it as well. Let’s just have a blast with it.

Mark: 12 great songs, wonderful music, and music that certainly takes me back to when things were fun and music was a great place you could escape into. My test of a good album is the question how does it stack up against the great releases of ’86 to ’92 and to me this could have been a great album in any of those years so congratulations and thanks for the chat – I promise it will be a lot sooner next time! I have it on my list now to be shaking your hand one day after a live show. 

Andi: That sounds perfect and I guess we could both have a beer at that time too.

Mark: That sounds great! Take care mate and good luck with the album.

Andi: Cool, thank you Mark. I really appreciate your time, it was so much fun last time that’s why I invited myself to talk to you this time!

Mark: I’m so glad you did.

Andi: Thank you my friend.


The new album ‘No Tell Hotel’ is out now

Black Diamonds - No Tell Motel


About Mark Diggins 1943 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer