Wallner Vain release Thin Lizzy Tribute EP


British guitarist Will Wallner and Croatian singer Vivien Vain have teamed up to record a Thin Lizzy tribute EP titled ‘The Legend Never Dies’, featuring 4 ‘deep cuts’ from 4 different Thin Lizzy albums. The EP features guest musicians Vinny Appice, Derek Sherinian, and Tony Franklin. It was mixed and mastered by Chris Collier. The Legend Never Dies will be released on November 2nd, 2021.



Comments Wallner: “We were in the process of trying to record our new album ‘Duel’, but I felt like we weren’t quite ready yet. I thought recording some fun covers might help us get prepared, like a warm up. We started with the song ‘Do Anything You Want To’ and recorded the whole song in literally an hour. It sounded great, so I asked a few established musicians, who we’ve worked with in the past, if they would want to appear as guest musicians. The songs were chosen primarily for their lyrical content, to highlight the lyrical genius that was Phil Lynott. When we teamed up with Chris Collier to mix it, I knew we were on to something special. The final product came out sounding better than anything we’ve ever done in the past. This is our tribute to Thin Lizzy and Phil Lynott, even though he may no longer be with us, his music continues to inspire generation after generation of musicians, just like us. The Legend Never Dies!”

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