Formed in 2017 as a cover outfit they began original writing in 2019. Code Red‘s band members are from all over the world: Andy McKee (drums) is from the USA, Maciek Mastalarczuk (bass) is from Poland, John Tinline (vocals) is from England and Keno Herrero (guitar) is from Chile. All have been in bands previously except John. This is his first project, and he only began singing at 39 years of age. The band released 2 singles in 2020 but of course Covid seriously delayed any progress for a while, but they are extremely proud of their debut album and have already begun writing the second album. I have had the pleasure of catching this tight outfit live at the Amplifier Bar in Perth only a couple of weeks ago, so I was very keen to listen to the rest of the album.
Song 1 – “Socially Distant” it has a very dream like state opening, a touch of the left wing feel with a cheeky movie sample that everyone will know. After the lead in the meaty based gives, you a quick jab to the chest to just remind you that “It is here”. look, it is a slower than usual start that I am used to, but I never judge a book by its cover. I t has a very clever change up in the middle with tempo which was very surprising.
“Don’t Dream” – Song 2, cracking guitar riff running down the hallway at the start of this one. I feel like it is chasing the vocals in a crazy game of tag – darting in and out of non-movable objects. Loved the drums being used as a separation barrier over quite a few times and they almost feel and act as another vocal.
Track 3 – “Boiled Bacon”, The lead in guitar opens up like someone has just kicked in the door. The bass is dancing all over the floor like a drunk uncle – free and unrelenting, so entertaining and yet so enjoyable. Slightly slower than the previous two tracks but a welcomed changed of tempo.
“Shed your skin” – Song 4, a deeper transition and a personal look inwards all about reflection. I really like the transitions that are very cleverly placed throughout the song. Drums are tucked in nicely with a cracking mix of guitar, they hold their own without the vehicle of vocals.
Song 5 – “Quit the game”, we are back to a fast-paced jog continually stretching out the legs of the guitar, bass and drums with the vocals screaming to “Go faster!”. A great balance of all four mediums, each realm has the chance to express themselves in this song – very clever indeed.
“Ashes” – Track 6, powerful vocal lead in that really blows your socks. It really lends itself the lyric line of “Ashes in a hurricane”. Very well balanced – ever instrument plays its part accompanying to the balance of this song. This song is one of my favorites on the album, it is very emotional and raw.
“Introspection Requerida” – Song 7, erratic like the concept of the song, this nugget of gold is very relevant to today’s society and is very relatable. Heavier under tones throughout this song present well, it has a health dash of metal sneaking in which works really well with the concept of the song.
Song 8 – “Superficial”, energy filled straight out of the box formed into an exciting lead in, I was waiting for the vocal lead in, and it did not disappoint. A very easy song to sing along with a great chorus. I really enjoyed the bass coming to the front of this song but the song still maintaining focus. Well-crafted and I loved the tempo change up toward the middle of the song. It was lengthy but it still held my full attention from start to finish.
Track 9 – “Small One”, I personally like the album’s that I review to finish with a bang – something that stimulates me to ask, “Please sir can I have some more”. This song was that! dessert to a glorious meal…. well played Code Red…. Well played.
In summary, I really loved this album it had amazing vocals, very impressive guitar and bass lines along with drums that in some parts acted like vocals. The Album had an easy story line to follow, and the progression was very well planned out. My favorite song on the Album has to be “Ashes” track 6. If you love your classic rock / hard rock / grunge type music this will be a welcomed addition to your collection. Based out of Perth these lads play live – if you get the chance to see them pay the door admission as they will be worth every penny. One of the best live acts I have seen in a while and up there for Album of the year for me. “Code Red” – get on them before they become too famous.