ALBUM REVIEW: House of Lords – Saints and Sinners

Frontiers - September 16th 2022


If you’re like me and love a bit of Melodic Rock after time things can start to sound pretty similar so it’s great when something takes you by surprise and puts a huge smile on your face. I must admit I’ve lost track of House of Lords over the last few years but listening to just the first two songs on the new record the simply wonderful Melodic rocker ‘Saints And Sinners’ and the lighter and simply sumptuous ‘House Of The Lord’ I’d be thinking we’re in album of teh year territory here!

Incredibly ‘Take It All’ that follows is just as assured and has a wonderful Foreigner vibe with a light progressive edge; whist ‘Road Warrior’ ups the pace and hints at past masters like Uriah Heep. We might be a million miles away from the band that debuted in 1989 when James Christian was joined by Gregg Giuffria, Lanny Cordola, Chuck Wright and Ken Mary who reformed for the rather Proggy ‘Power and the Myth’ back in 2000  but there are still elements of that here amidst the rather accomplished Melodic/Arena Rock.

Make no mistake this is a helluva solid album and incredibly tight, chock full of great songs and ‘Mistress Of The Dark’ might even be the best of these – a great mid-tempo rocker with some great vocals from Christian and melodies to die for: it’s fantastic! 

I had expected Avalanche’ to up the ante again but it turns out to be a piano-led ballad of real substance that should elicit more than a few tears. It’s the next track ‘Roll Like Thunder’ another contender for the best here, that lights the blue torch paper with a touch of vintage Def Leppard in the mix. Man this is a great album!   

Razzle Dazzle’ is one of the most interesting songs in the collection with a Bluesy almost Nazareth-like edge and a sizzling 70’s gang vocal refrain that sets it apart from the rest here. It may be a diversion from the sound but it’s a great song . And we storm to the close more than adequately with two great melodic rockers in ‘Dreamin It All’ and ‘Takin My Heart Back’, the former led by some sizzling guitar and sporting a great sing-along refrain; and the latter slightly dropping the pace and rocking out to Melodic perfection!

Closer ‘Angels Fallen’ slows things further and just smolders as it builds to another memorable refrain. Man with albums like this 2022 is a helluva year. 



Tracklisting: Saints And Sinners | House Of The Lord | Take It All | Road Warrior | Mistress Of The Dark | Avalanche | Roll Like Thunder | Razzle Dazzle | Dreamin It All | Takin My Heart Back | Angels Fallen

LINE-UP: James Christian – Vocals, Guitars | Jimi Bell – Guitars | Mark Mangold – Keyboards | Johan Koleberg – Drums

About Mark Diggins 1941 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer