Golden Robot - February 11th 2022


As someone who thought that Love/Hate’s 1990 debut ‘Blackout in the Red Room’ was one of the best and most intriguing releases to come out of L.A. in the late eighties/early nineties and had a sound far more diverse and groundbreaking that the likes of Nirvana it’s great to hear new music from singer Jizzy Pearl. And whist that groundbreaking record is far in the rear view mirror I will always remember those early UK Tours when Love/Hate was one of the finest live acts I have ever seen.

Fast forward 32 years and here we are with Jizzy’s Golden Robot Records debut ‘Hell. CA’ named after one of those songs on that magical debut. We start with a wonderful burst of raw energy and wailing guitar that is ‘One Hot Minute’ and with Jizzy’s distinctive vocal and the relentless groove it actually sounds very cool indeed and certainly stylistically fits with the early Love/Hate sound.

‘Acid Babe’ adds that ‘stop and start’ guitar and vocal that Love/Hate did so well (not to mention a cracking solo) before third single ‘Gonna Take You higher’ goes somewhere a little different with its vintage rock trappings that do have you thinking of some of the bluesier denizens of eighties rock, It’s a real winner to these ears!

Previous single ‘Soul Mama’ also sees Jizzy in fine form with some stomping vintage LH vibes (one of my favs here); and whilst ‘Hard to Say Goodbye’ keeps that groove going it adds a lighter melody and the best solo here before ‘When You Gonna Come Home’ stutters and struts with a dirty groove, it’s seriously great stuff. Indeed, you get mid way and realise that this is probably the sort of record you would have loved after the classic Love/Hate ‘Wasted in America’.

But it keeps on giving: ‘Last Chance’ slows things down and really manages to connect with a pleading lyric that sticks; whist ‘Bruised and Battered’ takes us to a mid-tempo  space that we haven’t visited yet and strangely has a sort of ‘Ain’t Talkin ‘Bout Love’ vibe (for me at least) even in the solos!

First single ‘Wanna Be Somebody’ sits right near the end of a fine album and rides a great fat groove before ‘Lonely Days Are Gone’ clocking in at a very un-Love/Hate like almost six minutes, has the final word. It’s my favourite here, more laid back, more old school rock and with a wonderfully hypnotic refrain. I’m loving this more and more with every play!


 ‘HELL, CA’ is released on 11th February 2022, on Golden Robot Records both on CD and digitally!

About Mark Diggins 1939 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer