FRED HOSTETLER Drops New Single, “Orphan Blues”

Indie Blues/Americana artist and singer/songwriter/guitarist Fred Hostetler, drops new single ‘Orphan Blues’ (Release Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023).

Hostetler’s latest release goes to the well of human experience where he visits Son House, who reminds him about “Death Letter Blues.” Fred draws from that deep well of emotion to deliver his own tale of loss, and moving forward from it.  The moment his slide guitar begins ‘Orphan Blues,’ you know a story is about to be told. Powered by acoustic guitars churning and chugging alongside Hostetler’s earnest raspy vocal delivery, bass and drums round out the rhythm track with surprises at the end of the story. ‘Orphan Blues’ is pulled as a single from his upcoming album Rain Walking, due early this year.

“A few months ago I went out to the garage and played a slide riff that just came out of nowhere and knocked my socks off,” explains the Washington state resident. “I immediately recorded it on my IPhone. That riff fostered the song ‘Orphan Blues’ and introduces the song. A few days later, for some unknown reason, I began singing the folk spirituals ‘Motherless Child’ and ‘Motherless Children’ to myself during my early morning walks on the mountain. I realized, ‘hey I’m a motherless child and an orphan’  and ‘sometimes I feel a long way from home.’ Drawing from the loving well of the Mother, this song arrived as a story to be told, with me as the storyteller.”

‘Orphan Blues’ is available for streaming and downloading at Amazon, Apple Music, You Tube, and nearly everywhere. All his music can be purchased from the artist’s website:


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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.