Mayday Parade were the main support act on this show and they were seemingly just as beloved as I would imagine All Time Low to be. I tend to stand back when I review a show, this house is packed and all I can see is the flailing of ladies hair everywhere as they bop to the tunes of Mayday.

A lot of people knew the words too! I guess as a tourist in this scene of music, I’m unaware of certain bands, but after the performance of Mayday Parade, I was certainly aware of their reach and passion. I really loved one of their songs where they hit that chorus one last time but we got that higher key change. They seemed really stoked to be there, giving us props for drinking out of shoes. It’s clear the words and message that Mayday Parade push means a lot to the people in the building on this night.

It’s cool to see people who were pop punk fans in the early 2000’s here, and also the young crew here, passionate and enjoying the show.
All Time Low hit the stage at 9:10pm and blasted into ‘Lost In Stereo’ as the ladies screamed. There are men here too, so they could be attributing to the screams so you never know.

The energy in the room was pretty strong, you couldn’t help get wrapped up in it. ‘Damned If You Do’ was an early highlight. The crowd really popped for that! ‘Modern Love’ was a really sweet one too, as the lead singer got on the piano and instigated the ladies in attendance to sing along which is always such a pretty sound. The audience stayed strong throughout and you should have heard them as the crowd participated with the bands enthusiasm. It seemed like everyone in attendance knew the words to every song.

The band have a really great charisma to them, 20 years of performing together will do that. I admit I’m not usually into this kind of music but my spirit was captured throughout. It’s hard to when the audience were balls to the wall appreciative of every single track performed. I don’t know the names of every song but I found ‘Monsters’, and the final song, ‘Dear Maria, Count Me In’ to be on a complete other level. All Time Low was an all time high for me, and I would likely go see them again next time they are here, they may have just made a fan out of this reviewer!

Photos by Shotweiler Photography
Reviewed by Tommy Gallagher