LIVE REVIEW: Blink 182 Opening night of the 2023-2024 Tour with special guests, Turnstile and Beauty School Dropout

 Xcel Energy Center St. Paul, MN 5/4/2023


Beauty School Dropout is an up-and-coming band that is a great opener for this show. High energy rock with well written songs. I can see how they can really make an impact moving forward if they can continue to be seen on tours like this with large crowds. You can tell they are new because they stayed together almost like they were playing on a club stage.

By the time Turnstile hit the stage the Xcel was full. They seem to have a sizeable fan base. The concert goers really were into it. Turnstile has several songs on the radio and are a perfect fit to open for Blink 182. I feel like since we’ve come out of the pandemic, that promoters and management have increasingly done a better job of packaging similar bands together for a tour. There was a period we went through with no opening acts or just someone local. This is a much better set up I think for the fans attending.



Headliners Blink 182 are calling this the reunion tour because of the return of original member Tom DeLonge who went out with his own band Angel’s and Airwaves after the split. Looks like they have put whatever differences they had aside. This made a lot of Blink 182 fans very happy. Not to mention that this is the opening night of the tour.

I’ve always liked blink 182 because they are lighthearted and fun to watch. Their songs are catchy, and they have an element of comedy to them. I don’t mean that in a bad way. What I’m trying to say is it’s fun to be engaged with this band because there’s so much upside. Too often some of the larger bands take themselves too seriously and start making political statements. Not Blink 182, they stick to the music and the fun.



The three gentlemen in this band work so well together. It just feels like the type of band that should be together with all its original members. They’ve got something special here and it’s nice to see that they are back together.  They have a new single out “Edging” which you can find on their website or streaming services. Plus you will be able to see all of the tour dates moving forward into the new year.

Looks like the tour will be going through the arrest of this year all the way into April of 2024. Hopefully they will come to your town, and you can go check them out. They’re the type of band that’s so much fun to see that even if you don’t know the songs you will walk away with a smile on your face.


About Tommy Sommers 80 Articles
Photographer and reviewer based in Minneapolis, Minnesota