‘Music is a Lighthouse’ – Devin Townsend
The Devin Townsend show in Western Australia opened to a full house at Fremantle’s premier international live music venue, Metropolis last Wednesday. Promoter, Brad Wesson could not have chosen a better support band than Perth’s own Chaos Divine who were well placed to support DT. Chaos Divine’s tight yet ethereal metal flooded its way into our personal spaces and found new homes inside of hearts as the band made intertwining love and lust to a new audience who gave their full attention while being seduced and then cuddled afterwards. Even the lighting was perfectly personal. Mists of Avalon stuff right there, David’s voice being the mythical sword freed from the stone.
DT, “Do we need a reason?”
Crowd, “Because we love it!”
Laws of music, time and parallel dimensions are shifted, warped and re-expressed through Devin Townsend, a fully self actualized human who, by following his truth, creates unique and seemingly effortless musical brilliance with humour and humility.
Up front and personal, it becomes obvious why Devin Townsend is so loved by his fans, although after seeing the live show, I think fans isn’t quite the right word. The word ‘friends’ seems more appropriate.
Um, I’m here to review the show, but I can’t see… Usually I can politely and strategically make my way to the front of the band without too much hassle, like a ninja, like a fox, but not when Devin’s on stage! Tonight I could not get through. Once people had found their sweet spot, they weren’t moving, fixed to the floor like the stones at Stonehenge. Deadhead was an intense 8 minutes, where I too, stood spellbound and rooted to the floor in profound amazement.
Looking around, I saw myself reflected in the faces around me, as we became one in this shared experience of visceral joy. Mike Keneally, who Devin calls “the Wizard” is a multi dimensional, shapeshifting showman, a supreme performer and musician who also played with Frank Zappa. No smoke and mirrors here, Mike keeps no secrets as he blatantly switches instruments with lightening speed. Darby Todd, drummer, may very well have eight arms, a plausible explanation for his magnificent cacophony of percussion.
Having said that, four band members with two arms each equals eight arms! I’m shit at maths but that’s how it sounded.
James Leach on bass keeps it solid, two arms, two feet. A stoic performer who provides a grounding stage presence providing a semi-familiar structure to anchor our souls into our bodies, lest we fly off into an alternate musical dimension and never return.
Something which I personally, probably wouldn’t mind, but some people did have work the next day. But on this night, tonight… Magic was made and Metal slayed thanks to Devin Townsend!
This was my first visit to Metropolis Fremantle since the late 90s. She has kept her girlish art deco charm and cleans up well. Airy with lots of space for acoustic and light experimentation, the sound from the stage is directed forward and up, with the mezzanine floor carrying the weight of the vibration and the music is as tangible up there as it is in the pit. Fantastic sound management creates pockets of low volume areas to chat without loosing your voice the next day. With its cool vibe and casino like layout, Metropolis Freo makes the most use of its space with a bar seemingly everywhere you turn. You will never go thirsty. Lovely, professional staff, it was a pleasure. I have a new fave venue and I will definitely be back!
Ah Freo, you dusty old whore, you’ve been through a lot. Come on old girl, take out those hair rollers and pop on some lippy, its time to rediscover your glory days as an entertainment precinct to rival Northbridge with Metropolis being the diamond in your hippie crystal crown.
P.S. Is there anything hotter than a tall Viking-Canadian shredding?
Photos by Linda Dunjey Photography
With thanks to Maric Media & The Phoenix for the media access.
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