Sofia Zida’s new album worked on in collaboration with Hanoi Rocks legend Andy McCoy will be released in autumn 2023. As the first single of the album will be heard on 24.3. a song called ‘Three Words’, which, like the album, was composed and produced together with Andy McCoy. Andy McCoy is also responsible for the song’s guitars and will perform in the music video of the song.
‘Three Words’ tells about how many people are looking for true love and how important it is to tell someone that you love and also know how to show it. Musically, you can also hear reggae and Latino twist in the song with pop and rock nuances.
Sofia Zida, who has made a name for herself as a painter is in addition to music, also making art together with Andy McCoy and they have had joint art shows, such as the exhibition in Jyväskylä, Finland that starts at the end of March. Sofia describes the collaboration with Andy McCoy as follows: “Working with Andy is really easy for me, nothing needs to be forced, everything comes and happens by itself. We work together with Andy, both art and music, and Andy is always ready to help. Andy is like a father to me.”

Sofia Zida, who grew up in Vaasa Finland and later moved to Helsinki Finland, is a Finnish-Mexican singer/songwriter/artist who has been making music since she was a child, and her first appearance to a large audience was already in 1992 in the Finnish “Tenava tähti”-program. She released her debut album Disco Mamazida in 2006 through EMI and has since released music on her own, as well as in collaboration with Kaiku Records and Dynasty Music, for example the hit single Cumbia, which was produced by e.g. Pauli Rantasalmi (ex Rasmus) and Heikki Kuula, as well as Senores, which includes Juno, and Pauli Rantasalmi.
Music & lyrics by Andy McCoy, Sofia Zida
Produced by Andy McCoy, Sofia Zida
Recording & Mixing by Sammy Aaltonen
Mastering by Pekka Laine
Cover: Mira Tiinanen Photography
Vocals: Sofia Zida
Guitars: Andy McCoy
Bass: Niclas Etelävuori
Keyboards: Jouni Kari
Drums: Christian Wentzel
Trombone/Trumpet: Jay Kortehisto / Jukka Eskola
(C) & (P) Rolling Records 2023