Rock Is Not Dead Australia covers all things in Australian Rock! This passionate group of music enthusiasts has banded together to revive the rock ‘n’ roll scene in Australia. Their journey began with a Facebook group called Fans of Hair / Glam / Sleaze Metal Aus, which now embraces a 50/50 split, including Aussie Rock Acts. The page has grown to over 1000 followers!
From this community, they launched a YouTube channel, Rock Is Not Dead Aus, showcasing the incredible talent across the Australian Rock Scene. Their latest expansion is on Instagram (@RockIsNotDeadAus), dedicated to promoting Australian Rock acts, big and small!

Having found a following on their social media platforms the group have produced the “Rock Is Not Dead Festival”. This event is planned for February 1st, 2025, at The Koala Tavern, Capalaba. It is a self-funded event consisting of eight Australian Rock bands, each with own unique sound for all the rockers out there.
The line-up features:
- Avalanche
- Tailor Made Rejects
- Snake Bite Whisky
- Black Whiskey (🇦🇺)
- Stone Rising
- Whiskey On The Rox
- Goatzilla
- Slythr
The festival’s goal is not for profit but to raise awareness of the incredible, unrecognized talent within the Australian rock scene.