Ace is back ….. 10,000 Volts is Ace Frehley’s sixth studio effort in 15 years, his fourth of original material.
Frehley has undoubtedly left his stamp on rock music for the last five decades. Now in a world where Kiss only exist as avatars his instantly identifiable Spaceman make up design gets to live on for generations to come as will his influence on rock guitarists for the last half century and beyond.
Of the four 1978 KISS solo albums Ace’s was the best-selling and remains my favourite of the four. For me there are three obvious incarnations of Ace we have all come to know and love. Kiss Ace, Frehley’s Comet Ace and solo Ace. As a massive KISS fan from 1975-2001 Ace was always the cool guy in the band, he has a swagger and flair about him that no one has come close to touching for me, his feel can’t be replicated, his style adapted by many but as a whole package there is and can only be one Spaceman.
I connected with his 80’s Frehley’s Comet albums, there was something about them that stood on their own, they didn’t follow trends and Ace has always been Ace, unmistakable in voice and his playing. 1989’s Trouble Walking is a personal favourite and still gets a regular play. It was also the first time he really went head-to-head with KISS as they both released their own versions of ‘Hide Your Heart’ close together, which at that time gave all of us KISS fans hope that someday there might be a reunion of the original KISS. That reunion came true on a few occasions as one off appearances at shows but really kicked in at 1995’s MTV Unplugged and Konvention Tour. The 1996 announcement of the Reunion Tour was what every fan had hoped for; an opportunity to see the original members in full costumed and make up glory. The 2001 leg of the Farewell Tour was the last time Ace would stand stage right in KISS.
Frehley’s first outing after leaving Kiss was 2009’s ‘Anomaly’ which is my favourite post KISS effort. His Origins albums have been a fun listen; Space Invader (2014) and Spaceman (2018) were solid efforts but lacked consistency. Enjoyable listens yet not remarkable or go to records for me. With it being six years since his last album or original material I am looking forward to 10,000 Volts to see where Ace is at. With the amount of cheap shots flung at each other Simmons/Stanley have certainly had their issues with Frehley and Frehley with them. Could this make for some really cool lyrical content? Looking at the track listing I am now guessing not, but I’m keen to hear what magic Ace, his band and producer Steve Brown have captured.
So, let’s have a look at the album track by track.
‘10,000 Volts’ the title track and first single has a big, powerful riff that sucks you in. The chorus sticks. There are some really cool little grooves that sit in this song Scot Coogans drumming is exceptional, aside from the driving nature of this song there are some great subtle things happening in the arrangement great start to the album.
‘Walking On the Moon’ the soon to be released second single keeps the momentum going. This song has a swagger to it that has a float to it. You can actually picture yourself strolling on the moon to this. The solo seems to have two parts to it, the first half is super melodic, the second half is signature Ace. This one’s a creeper.
‘Cosmic Heart’s huge opening riff has me salivating at what is ahead of me here. The first verse here kind of loses me and then picks me up again for the chorus and return of the riff. The solo is however perfectly placed and executed. If I had to put it within a KISS album this track would sit really well on The Elder. A few listens in it’s heavy, slick and fresh.
‘Cherry Medicine’ this songs chorus is hooky as hell and catchy as fuck. Its probably my favourite solo on the album too. What would I change about it? I honestly can’t stand Ace’s vocal on this he should’ve left that one of his band mates, perhaps only sang the chorus or traded verses. A few listens in and it gets better but the verse vocals just don’t grab me, it could be the lazy vocal over such a killer song. It’s the most commercial track on the album.
‘Back Into My Arms Again’ From the opening notes of this track I got a sense of déjà vu. If felt like I had heard the riff somewhere before. Then come to the chorus and there it is again and it clicked. Those opening notes are so close to The Sweet’s ‘Fox on The Run’ and when you get to the chorus the melody allows you to sing ‘Fox on The Run’ over it (I challenge you to do it when you hear it). Without seeing the writing credits of the album, this track has the Steve Brown stamp all over it. Even the solo has this melodic structure that fuses Ace’s style into the tail of it.
‘Fighting For Life’ is my favourite track on the album. Possibly one of my favourite post kiss Ace songs. Can’t wait to hear it live and I hope it gets added to the new tour set. Heavy modern and gritty, put it this way it blows anything KISS has done since the Revenge album. I would love to hear Ace put an album like this, so good!!!
‘Blinded’ verse is awesome, pre chorus is meh but the chorus is a killer. Live this will be killer. When you drop the acapella beginning and kick in with just that riff the song engages you differently. Not knowing the hook in the chorus until the chorus just adds something to it. The solo on this one is hot!!
‘Constantly Cute’ musically is fun, so much fun. Lyrically and vocally its cringeworthy. It’s commendable that Ace is trying something new here but this isn’t an Ace song. This one took me three goes at getting through. This just doesn’t suit Ace.
‘Life Of a Stranger’ is a moody mid-tempo track with possibly one of the best choruses on the album. The structure of this song really gives it power and life. One of the stand out tracks. It builds and really tells a story without the cheese. The piano in this song just adds a depth unreached before on this album. The outro solo is pure Ace class.
‘Up In the Sky’ and its old school count in is instantly reminiscent of Ace’s 1978 Kiss solo album in vibe and feel, it channels something old while still being something new. The pre chorus just grabs me that riff is pure magic. This is what Ace does best and would sit perfectly aside ‘Hard Times’ from KISS’ ‘Dynasty’ in a setlist.
‘Stratosphere’ is the closing track and an instrumental that follows suit with closing tracks before it unfortunately it takes us 1 minute and 45 seconds to get to what these instrumental tracks are all about; Aces solo. Through the lush nature of this song there are touches of Aces 70’s signature sound and licks. One of the stronger and more diverse offerings of an album closing instrumentals.
Steve Brown of Trixter, Def Leppard and Tokyo Motor Fist certainly adds his incredible sense of song structure on this album. 10,000 Volts is a really focussed effort. The detail in the arrangements here are great and this is an amazing headphone listen. No doubt there would have been moment during the writing and production of this album where Ace simply got his way and allowed tracks like ‘Constantly Cute’ to be included. I haven’t seen the writing credits for the album but where Brown has had his influence in writing it shows. Song structure as I have said before is the big win for 10,000 Volts. The band behind Ace is simply amazing. I hope these guys including Brown are in his touring band.
Please give this album a listen when it drops and not just one listen because there is buried treasure is each and every one of these songs. There is something to be found in every listen.
On a side-note and personal musing, I can’t help but think 10,000 Volts should have been called 10 000 Watts, sonically it sounds and works better, give it a try and let us know what you think. I think when I first heard the track those were they lyrics I was in my head. Volts clearly refers to Ace’s on-stage electrocution back in 1976; but you wrote a song about that already Ace. Ace’s shining moments on this album are the songs where he isn’t trying to adapt all the typical Ace clichés. We all know you are the original Spaceman, your Origins and your Anomalies. We know you have Trouble Walking and are a Space Invader, but on your next outing I would love to hear who you are.
Rating 7/10 Volts.