ALBUM REVIEW: Eclipse – Megalomanium II

Frontiers Music s.r.l. - Released 20th September 2024

It’s been only a year since Eclipse dropped Megalomanium on an eager public, and so calling this next outing ‘Megalomanium II’ kind of implies more of the same. That might sound like a stiff task when you consider the rave reviews that its predecessor got. I mean it’s hard to go past a band that’s at the top of their game but it seems like these Swedish Rock and Rollers have been on fire since about 2012!

Last time out I started the review with the line “Eclipse is one of the greatest Rock bands of the 21st Century. Album number ten is magnificent…” Well a year later I stand by that and after a few spins of this latest record I have no reason to alter that statement at all, after a few more spins I was wondering how I could upgrade that assessment.

You will of course already be familiar with three of the songs here. In between albums we were treated to the exclusive 7″ vinyl ‘Apocalypse Blues’  and the single ‘Falling To My Knees’ showed that the band was more than capable of penning anthems. Just last month came ‘The Spark’ hit that changed things up a bit. As Magnus said: “We’ve been toying around with this idea for probably the last three records now and I’m really happy we gave it time to develop it, musically, it’s like a weird mix of heavy Eclipse and almost EDM like melodies. I have no idea how we ended up here, all I know is that taking this one to the stage should be awesome!

Now it’s time to brace yourselves for the 11th release from Sweden’s greatest Rock Band – ‘Megalomanium II’ lands on September 20th, 2024, via Frontiers Music and I just wish you could hear what I’ve been listening to for the last few days.

Opening with the storming ‘Apocalypse Blues’ that we all know and already love is a safe way to kick things off, but also the perfect choice of opener: getting the blood flowing and launching into that fist-pumping sing-along chorus.  It’s pure Eclipse, and hits the spot perfectly. ‘The Spark,’ released just last month, means you have to wait just that little longer to hear something new. As songs go, this is one that works really well and for me has a little of Reckless Love about it, with the pronounced almost dance beat driving it on. It’s definitely something that I’d love to hear more of.

Erik Mårtensson noted: “Our new single The Spark hits the ground running with a riff that’s got more stickiness than a Hubba Bubba bubble popped over a 90’s goatee. Don’t let the gum reference fool you, this song contains one of our heaviest verses so far, but it ends up in an Eclipse signature style chorus that will come in handy at the festivals we’re playing this summer.

The riff that opens ‘Falling To My Knees’ has a nice little nod to Scorpions before it dives into that trademark folk rock tinged refrain. It’s a sumptuous song to hit you with after those two tried and tested numbers and probably my favourite of the three tracks already released. On first listen I was blown away – it’s a great way to lead us into the new material. And I love that the three singles open proceedings, building the tension…

We do of course hit the ground running as you might expect: ‘All I Want’ is a solid modern rocker with plenty of Pop-fueled drive, the kind of song you feel someone like Bryan Adams might pen if he appeared today. It’s infectious – a solid melodic Pop party rocker that in my alternate reality would bother the radio every single day. It’s rather unfair on the competition though – like revealing your fourth ace!

‘Still My Hero’ holds that thought and adds a little more angst. At this point I must say that the production here is amazing, the sound is so rich and wonderfully sheer. In the press release Erik commented that:

“If you thought the title of our previous record was proof of us suffering from delusions of grandeur, then you’re absolutely right. The only way we could top it was to make another one. Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, Megalomanium II.”

The frightening fact is that half way in, after ending the review of Megalomanium with the line “Eclipse continues to evolve and grow and let with every release stays just as essential,” before scoring it a solid ‘9’ I have to wonder how they could possibly have topped it!

The slow number ‘Dive Into You’ is breathtaking, beautifully constructed, lush and a real ‘goosebumps’ moment that sees Erik take you to another place with a wonderful vocal. It might be a lyric we’ve heard before but the theme is eternal, and man when that solo hits you know that Magnus has more than nailed it. It’s up there with the best slower numbers I’ve heard this side of the millennium.

The Folky refrain comes with ‘Until The War Is Over’ but whilst it’s a wonderful leitmotif it doesn’t dominate the song which is another sumptuous melodic rocker. Things get grittier with ‘Divide & Conquer’ witch is all about the heavy guitars that open and set it up and the driving vocal from Erik. It’s such a fucking cool song I found myself hitting repeat – this one is a must for the live set! It’s one of my real highlights and a song you will love!

In the press release Magnus commented that: “This band is on a continuous journey trying to find new avenues to explore. Having said that, Megalomanium II is probably closer to what people mostly associate Eclipse with. It’s filled to the brim with large choruses, beautiful melodies and some amazing guitar playing. I’m totally unbiased, by the way” 

He is not wrong – this is really something special.

‘Pieces’ is another up-tempo rocker that hits the spot but soars into one of the best choruses here. It’s a real ‘blue sky’ song that can’t help but make you beam with approval. Man this could just be the perfect Eclipse album, and I do not say that lightly. The band has put out some wonderful music over the years and I’ve always been a huge fan of ‘Bleed and Scream’ and ‘Armageddonize‘ but this is the record that I always hoped the band would put out. It’s also frightening to think that the band shows no sign of slowing down…

The emotional ‘To Say Goodbye’ is the ballad fans will love and comes as the album closes. But the last word goes to one that couldn’t be more of a contrast. We close things in style and on a distinctly heavy note: ‘One In A Million’ has a Sabbathy chug to the guitar that opens and underpins it, but the chorus soars melodically from the miasma to give it a nice dark and light contrast. You will love it!

Since I first heard Eclipse a dozen years ago I knew that I was listening to a band that were ahead of the pack. Over the years every time I’ve thought it would be hard to top their previous release they’ve proved me wrong time and again. I must admit that I was still  apprehensive about this one even after those wonderful three singles. How could they top a 9 out of 10 record? I never give 10’s after all.

This just might be the most perfect Eclipse record… until the next one. This could be the one that sets the world on fire.

9.5 /10 


Following a successful run in Japan and South America, Eclipse are currently touring across Europe and will be headed to central Europe and the US after the summer, with additional dates to be added as the year moves on. For a full list of tour dates visit HERE.

Pre-order “Megalomanium II” HERE


“Megalomanium II” Tracklist:

1.    Apocalypse Blues
2.    The Spark
3.    Falling To My Knees
4.    All I Want
5.    Still My Hero
6.    Dive Into You
7.    Until The War Is Over
8.    Divide & Conquer
9.    Pieces
10.    To Say Goodbye
11.    One In A Million

Total time: 0.39.54

Line Up:
Erik Mårtensson – Vocals
Magnus Henriksson – Guitars
Philip Crusner – Drums
Victor Crusner – Bass

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About Mark Diggins 1956 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer